The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has once again demonstrated its bias against Serbs by this time issuing an order not to proceed with the case against Hamdija Abdić and Muhamed Švrakić, despite their incitement of national, racial, and religious hatred, said Branimir Kojić, the president of the Assembly of the Republic Organization of Families of Captured and Killed Fighters and Missing Civilians.

Kojić explained that the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH sent them a letter today informing them that they have issued an order not to proceed with the criminal complaint against Hamdija Abdić, also known as Tiger, and Muhamed Švrakić.

“For congratulating the birthday of General Ratko Mladić, they raise an indictment against Vojin Pavlović from Bratunac, but for calling for the recruitment of Green Berets, for taking pictures of armed Muslims to the teeth, there’s no investigation, which is more than shameful, vile, and rude,” emphasized Kojić, vowing to continue an even stronger fight for truth and justice.

Kojić reminded that the complaint against Abdić and Švrakić was filed by the Municipal Organization of Families of Captured and Killed Fighters and Missing Civilians from Srebrenica in January 2022 for inciting national, racial, and religious hatred, discord, and intolerance, illegal formation of military forces, and attacks on the constitutional order.

“The ‘diligent’ Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, upon a complaint from a Serbian organization, did such a great job that it took them more than two years to respond to us in the way they did, obviously in favor of those protected by the BiH judiciary,” Kojić assessed for Srna.

Kojić added that in May 2022, they sent an inquiry to the Court of BiH regarding this complaint and have not received any response to date, suggesting that the judiciary in BiH waited for time to pass so that the issue would be forgotten.

“After this delay, today prosecutor Nives Kanevčev sends a message to all Serbs that it is allowed to publicly call for the recruitment of Green Berets, that calling for war is allowed, that spitting on the Republika Srpska is allowed, causing unrest and fear, and that there will be no consequences for such actions,” Kojić emphasized.

Kojić believes that the Court and Prosecutor’s Office have once again proven to be exclusively against Serbs, that Serbs are insignificant to them, as are Serb victims, and that they protect anyone working against the Republika Srpska and the Serbian people in every possible way.

Kojić stated that he would file an appeal against this decision, although he knows it will not be accepted because, as he said, it will be submitted by a Serbian association not favored by Western embassies, the SDA, or Sarajevo prosecutors and judges.

He highlighted that Sani Musa, a former member of the “El Mujahid” detachment, insults, lies, calls for war daily, and is also protected by the Prosecutor’s Office and Court of BiH, with no investigation being conducted against him.

Source: RTRS
