Lawyer Anto Nobilo stated that the amendments to the Criminal Code of BiH, which were imposed by Christian Schmidt, if his questionable role as a legislator is disregarded, came into effect the day after being published in the Official Gazette of BiH, namely on July 8th, while the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, allegedly incriminated decrees were signed on July 7th, meaning that at the time of signing the decrees, “Schmidt’s” controversial law was not in effect.

He claims that, even if the questionable role of the High Representative as a legislator is disregarded, every law in BiH must be published in the Official Gazette.

“The European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of BiH envisage the possibility of external intervention in the legal system of the state. In one case, it is an international treaty, and in the other case, an act of the High Representative,” Nobilo emphasized to Klix.

However, according to the principle of accessibility, Nobilo stressed, these external acts should be incorporated into domestic law.

Source: RTRS
