The farcical trial against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, increasingly indicates that the BiH Court is transforming into a Hasty Court for Republika Srpska, operating at the dictate of foreign embassies, according to officials from Republika Srpska who followed only a part of today’s hearing of the President.
They left the hearing due to a series of legal precedents that have accompanied the judicial process from the beginning.
Today, hundreds of citizens, officials from local communities, representatives of Republika Srpska institutions, and Serb representatives in joint institutions were in front of the BiH Court in a sign of support for the President and Republika Srpska.
By dimming the glass between the judge and the space where the guests were, the last trace of objectivity and fairness in the judicial process against the President of Republika Srpska disappeared. Outraged by the unexpected change of the presiding judge, suspicion about the credibility of Judge Sena Uzunović, and the selective reading of parts of the indictment mentioning Milorad Dodik but skipping the name of Miloš Lukić, the acting director of the Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, the majority of those present left the hearing.
A Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, stated that there are many inconsistencies in this process.

“It is mild to say that I am shocked by what I saw, and together with other colleagues, I left the courtroom. Is it realistic for a judicial institution to have so much voluntarism and so much unprofessionalism? This is terrible. I doubt that the previous judge was pressured, so he decided to leave on his own, and I doubt that the lady judge who took over this case got an order to do what the previous one did not want to do,” said Cvijanović.
The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, emphasized that he left the courtroom of the BiH Court during the trial against the President of Srpska due to the way the new judge, Sena Uzunović, started leading this process, and he assessed that today “BiH has been buried.” He rejected the explanation of the new judge, Sena Uzunović, that she was “drawn from a drum” and confirmed that she is a cadre of the SDA party.

“She read what they wrote to her in the American Embassy. She could not, by any criterion, participate in such a process that, from the beginning, carries the attributes of a political process and persecution,” said Višković.
The present individuals commented on today’s hearing and the “hockey” substitution of Mirsad Strika with Judge Sena Uzunović with the words “Circus” from the court, the burial of democracy, material for Emir Kusturica, and a good humorous film. The sudden change is interpreted as a direct consequence of the visit of Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brian to Sarajevo.
Minister of Scientific Technological Development and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir, said that these are the first effects of O’Brian’s visit, who, he says, gave certain instructions to the institutions of BiH.

“The first partiality in this court is that there is already a second Bosniak judge, and that is not good for the future of BiH,” emphasized Budimir.
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of Republika Srpska, Savo Minić, emphasized that the trial has no connection with the law or the Criminal Code.

“Especially knowing that the Criminal Code, which is being adopted in the parliament, has been derogated by the decision of the illegal representative; his decree made this indictment based on which today’s trial is held,” said Minić.
The Minister of Energy and Mining of Republika Srpska, Petar Đokić, says that everyone participating in the fabricated process against the President of Srpska is hitting the foundations of stability in BiH.

“Therefore, they need to understand that and withdraw from such a dishonest game,” Đokić urged.
Hundreds of citizens from several local communities in Srpska were in front of the complex of judicial institutions in BiH today. They say that by supporting Milorad Dodik, they are preserving the institutions of the Republika Srpska.
“We invite everyone not only to support us by coming but also to publicly express their support for the President because, by doing so, they support Republika Srpska. Only united can we fight against such injustice,” said Predrag Jović, director of the BiH Plant Health Protection Administration.
Banja Luka lawyer Slobodan Perić said that this political process will end as the puppeteers ordered.
Of the announced “BiH patriots” who were invited for days to counter-protest by Sarajevo radical Sain Musa, nothing happened. Musa backed out, and it all boiled down to a lone veteran of the so-called ARBiH, Ferid Isović, who says he came to the BiH Court spontaneously.
“I came to support BiH justice, the Prosecutor’s Office, and judges,” said Isović, adding that he thinks politicians from Srpska and some from FBiH are putting pressure on them.
The arrival and gathering of a large number of citizens from Republika Srpska in front of the BiH Court were secured by strong police forces, both uniformed and plainclothes officers, who were recording everything happening with cameras.
Source: RTRS