Bojan Vipotnik, the Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Ecology of Republika Srpska, stated that Croatia’s decision to postpone the storage of nuclear waste on Trgovska Gora represents a victory for citizens, media, and institutions that contributed to highlighting the harmfulness of such intentions.

He emphasized that there is a complete consensus among citizens, institutions, non-governmental organizations, and political representatives, sending a clear message to Croatia.

“Despite all the daily political disagreements, this issue has created complete unity. It is a strong message to the citizens in that part of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina that they are not alone, but also a message to Croatia that we will not allow them to persist in their intention. We aim for the ultimate goal, which is abandoning waste disposal at Čerkezovac,” said Vipotnik.

According to him, the message from Croatia that they will store waste in Slovenia, specifically in the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, until 2028 is welcome. He added that this will not slow down the activities of institutions in Srpska and BiH.

“We have initiated research in Republika Srpska and the Federation, involving all relevant health and educational institutions. The Institute of Public Health is preparing the first report, as is the Institute for Geological Research. Colleagues from the Federation will also contribute,” said Vipotnik.

He reminded that numerous meetings were held, with the most important one in Geneva at the end of last year in the Secretariat of the Espoo Convention and the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment. Authorities were informed about the activities of Srpska, BiH, and Croatia. Vipotnik stressed that the most important message is that institutions have not lagged behind in their activities.

“Some individuals and even the media claimed that we were late. From the most relevant place, we received a message that we were not late and that we acted promptly in all activities,” stated Vipotnik, emphasizing that Croatia leads a non-transparent process.

He mentioned that three EU countries, Hungary, Austria, and Slovenia, sided with Republika Srpska and BiH. Vipotnik highlighted good cooperation with institutions in Serbia.

“We adopted a relevant resolution in the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, which is a strong message. In the next period, we just need to continue with activities, and I am convinced that we will achieve the ultimate goal, which is Croatia’s withdrawal from this location,” concluded Vipotnik.

10 Million Euros Grant for Energy Efficiency this Year

Vipotnik highlighted the successful implementation of energy efficiency projects by the Ministry with international partners, focusing on the education, health, social protection, and public administration sectors. Tens of millions of BAM were allocated annually for this purpose.

“All projects are implemented by domestic companies, contributing to the improvement of our economic environment. Last year, we renovated over 30 facilities. Projects worth around 40 million BAM were realized,” said Vipotnik.

This year, 40% of projects from underdeveloped and extremely underdeveloped municipalities are being implemented. Through cooperation with international organizations and banks, grant funds totaling 10 million euros have been secured.

“We selected 13 facilities, and contracts will be signed soon. The goal is to attract as many international partners as possible and invest more in Republika Srpska. We will continue to work on that,” said Vipotnik.

“Sutjeska” National Park to “Stand on Its Feet” this Year

Speaking about the past year, Vipotnik mentioned that, apart from improving the state in protected areas, most activities were related to improving the situation in the Sutjeska National Park.

“Problems have been swept under the rug for a decade. I empathize with people who are on strike and have no salary. We have directed a lot of energy towards solving problems. Criminal charges have been filed against responsible individuals and former managers,” said Vipotnik.

He pointed out that his request for an extraordinary financial audit at the Sutjeska National Park was accepted, which should be a significant step towards solving accumulated problems.

“In this way, I believe that we have finally cut off the tails of the past, and I am convinced that Sutjeska will stand on stable ground and be what it has always meant to be – the pearl of Republika Srpska,” emphasized Vipotnik.

Vipotnik said that last year was full of challenges, but he is satisfied with the first year of his mandate, prioritizing the rapid implementation of citizens’ requests and improving the legislative framework.

“I would single out the drafting of the Draft Law on Nature Protection, which is a very complex law. It passed the Draft form in the National Assembly and then a public debate. Now we are in the phase of adopting the Law Proposal,” said Vipotnik.

He reminded that the Law on State Apartments was adopted, which does not have tenancy rights, solving a significant problem in many local communities.

“We added another category of the population that can meet the conditions for obtaining such apartments. In addition, we have adopted a series of bylaws regarding environmental protection. We have created conditions for introducing Euro-codes that will improve construction standards,” emphasized Vipotnik.

Negative Consequences of Climate Change Affect Lives and Finances

Vipotnik emphasized that the negative consequences of climate change have been affecting human lives and finances for years. He discussed the mitigation of consequences and prevention at the Conference of Member States of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai at the end of last year.

“Republika Srpska and BiH do not have a significant impact on climate change, but climate change significantly affects us. World Bank research shows that in recent years, elementary disasters have been directly linked to the negative consequences of climate change in these areas,” said Vipotnik.

He added that it is necessary to raise awareness of this problem, as every individual plays an important role in mitigating the consequences of climate change. In cooperation with international organizations and major global funds, two projects worth over a million dollars are being implemented.

“We are on the right track to attract more funds for these purposes,” concluded Vipotnik.

Source: RTRS
