Zukan Helez, the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has filed criminal complaints today against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, his deputy, Aleksandar Goganović, and the colonel of the Armed Forces of BiH, Milan Damjanić, citing the unconstitutional and illegal marking of January 9.

Helez, who has recently criticized Republika Srpska and its leadership, threatening the arrest of President Dodik, stated that there are several criminal offenses related to this date, including, as he claims, an attack on the constitutional-legal order of the state of BiH.

“The criminal complaint against President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik is very serious and was prepared thoroughly by four lawyers. It consists of 16 pages, 34 attachments, and two CDs. January 9 has passed, and most politicians and media make noise, but nothing happens afterward. I wanted to remain consistent and file criminal complaints,” said Helez, as reported by N1.

He stated that it is his obligation to protect the Constitution and laws of BiH, as well as every citizen.

“There are no national tensions. I would do the same if anyone attacked the constitutional-legal order of BiH, whether Bosniak or Croat. I call on them to stop, as our people would say, blind business, and let’s provide the citizens of BiH with a better life and move towards the EU and NATO alliance,” said Helez.

He mentioned that most of his colleagues could have filed a criminal complaint, but they were probably afraid.

Republika Srpska traditionally marks Republic Day on January 9 in the presence of numerous officials, guests, and citizens, causing tensions in parts of the international community and political Sarajevo.

The Constitutional Court of BiH, at the request of Bosniak SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, declared this holiday unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court acknowledged that there is nothing wrong with Republika Srpska marking its day but raised concerns about January 9 also being a holiday of the Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Stephen’s Day.

Source: RTRS
