The President of the SNSD, Milorad Dodik, stated that the “troika” shows by their statements that they represent American and British interests, while Republika Srpska wants decisions to be made in the interest of all people, not foreigners. Therefore, he questions whether the SNSD has anything to discuss with representatives of Sarajevo parties at all.

He emphasized that representatives of Sarajevo parties are obviously working according to the instructions of their patrons, not in the interest of the people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dodik stated that information about the U.S. Secretary of State addressing the Minister of Foreign Affairs of BiH (Elmedin Konaković in the Council of Ministers) and directly asking him to ensure the realization of the South Interconnection project clearly shows how agile they are when it comes to their interests. The real purpose of the whole circus with Schmidt is to be their personal representative and enable them to completely control the resources of BiH.

“They do it, the British do it, and the Americans do it, and the question is what else we will hear these days about what kind of criminal activities high officials in BiH are involved in, all on the orders of the West. And someone should believe that all this is because they want to protect BiH from Russian influence, so they will push their gas at such a favorable price that it will amaze them in the Federation, just like in Europe. And that is their help and a policy of peace, respecting Dayton and sovereignty? These Americans really think that we are illiterate and that no one knows how to add two and two and why they do what they do to protect their interests,” said Dodik on social media platform X.

He emphasizes that where they cannot bribe someone, as they have not succeeded with us in Srpska, they enter with force. Then they say, the law is okay, but if you oppose us, we will make political decisions. And we can see their political decisions, the results of those decisions everywhere in the world, and their power.

“We say no to that violence, and all of us in Srpska are fighting against their pressure and threats because we are persistent in preserving the property of Republika Srpska. The way to take control of that property is to tear down our institutions so that they can control everyone and everything in Srpska and do whatever they want,” said Dodik.

He emphasizes that he can guarantee that this will never happen and that they will fight with all legal means and will not allow some illegal person to distribute the property of Republika Srpska to the British, Americans, or anyone else.

“The ‘troika’ shows by their statements that they represent American and British interests. Republika Srpska constantly repeats that it wants to negotiate with the Federation and its elected representatives, not with foreigners, and today I stand by that. We want decisions to be made in the interest of all people, not foreigners. The ‘troika’ will say whether the interests of foreigners are more important than the people of BiH, whether they are allowed to oppose them, or if they have already threatened to question their legitimacy if they respect what was agreed upon,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
