The Head of the Representation of Republika Srpska in Austria, Mladen Filipović, stated that the greatest interest in the Austrian market is in the wood processing and metal sectors. However, there are opportunities for improving cooperation in new technologies and the processing industry.

Filipović emphasized that the priority of the Representation’s work remains strengthening economic cooperation and institutional connections, as well as preserving Serb cultural and national identity.

“We operate in different areas, trying to build partnerships that will facilitate and improve the development of Republika Srpska. We have done a lot, but there is always room for more activities,” said Filipović in an interview for Srna.


Considering that last year’s results were very positive, the plan is to continue the “Fit for Austria” project, which aims to connect businesses in Republika Srpska with businesses in Austria.

“Invitations to apply will be sent in the first quarter of this year, in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce of Austria. The goal is to connect entrepreneurs from Republika Srpska with entrepreneurs from Austria, establish new business contacts, and have a more efficient presence in the Austrian market,” explained Filipović.

He noted that the Representation will continue to support the promotion of the tourist and economic potentials of Republika Srpska in Austria.

“In March, the Tourism Fair will traditionally be held in Vienna, and in supporting the Tourism Organization of Republika Srpska, which will have its stand, we will also promote our tourist potentials, such as the Olympic Center Jahorina, ethno and rural tourism,” said Filipović.

According to him, at the end of this year, the Representation, in collaboration with the Investment-Development Bank of Republika Srpska, will organize a business conference in Vienna, presenting Republika Srpska as a desirable space for new investments.


“We always emphasize the investment advantages of Republika Srpska, such as its favorable geographical location, infrastructure connectivity, and stimulating tax policies and business environment,” said Filipović.

He expressed satisfaction with the projects and results achieved in the previous year and noted that there is always room for additional improvement in cooperation.

“When it comes to economic development, our diaspora has enormous potential. Our focus will remain on investments from the diaspora, as well as on transferring knowledge and skills for economic development. Cooperation in the field of science and innovation, scientific exchange, researcher and innovator mobility, are all elements that strengthen and improve cooperation with the economy and increase competitiveness,” said Filipović.

He mentioned that the Representation implements measures to support export activities for businesses from Republika Srpska and actively invites all economic entities from Republika Srpska to contact the Representation to more efficiently access the Austrian market.


Filipović stated that a significant step forward was made last year in presenting and placing domestic food products on the Austrian market.

“The company Mladež pak from Prnjavor introduced a wide range of its products to consumers in the Austrian retail chain SPAR, and since the second half of November last year, the products of the companies Vitaminka from Banja Luka and Vitinka from Kozluk have been available in several branches of this retail chain in Vienna,” said Filipović.

He also highlighted the importance of good cooperation between the Representation and the Investment-Development Bank of Republika Srpska. Several meetings between the management of this bank and representatives of the Austrian economy were organized in Vienna and Banja Luka last year.

At the Austrian-Serb Economic Forum in Vienna, wineries from Republika Srpska were promoted, and wines from the companies Vukoje, Tvrdos, and Jungić were presented.

“For representatives of our wineries, the Representation organized a master class training to familiarize our winemakers with the specifics of the Austrian market and opportunities to enter the gastronomic offer. The master class was conducted by Darel Joseph, an expert on the wine market of Central and Southeastern Europe,” explained Filipović.


Filipović emphasized that the representation operates in various areas, with an effort to build partnerships in the economy, culture, science, and education.

Speaking about cultural exchange, Filipović mentioned that several important events were realized last year, where numerous writers, musicians, and other artists from Republika Srpska were hosted in Vienna.

“In October last year, we hosted beneficiaries of the Down Syndrome Center from Banja Luka, who performed the theater play ‘Roko and Cicipela’ in front of the audience in Vienna. A reception was also organized for a group of the best students from Banja Luka University who were on a study visit to Vienna,” he said.

Filipović believes that the role of the diaspora is crucial in preserving the identity and tradition of the Serb people.

“It is clear that the role of the diaspora in this sphere is crucial, and we can successfully realize this task through joint action with our institutions. This includes constant communication with representatives of the Serb diaspora, our associations and clubs, as well as successful businessmen,” said Filipović.

He is confident that there is much room for strengthening these ties, especially considering the fact that Serb associations are very successful in their activities in Austria.

Filipović also highlighted the importance of the Strategic Plan for Cooperation with the Diaspora, adopted by the Government of Republika Srpska, expressing belief that it will contribute to the concretization of activities and establish a clear institutional framework for action.

Source: RTRS
