In front of the courthouse complex in Sarajevo, a clear message was sent that the will of the people of Republika Srpska will never be humiliated. Numerous citizens gathered today to support the President of Republika Srpska and to make it clear that the goal of this politically motivated process is evident: to seize the property of Republika Srpska and deprive its citizens of refuge. They emphasize that this will not happen.

If the BiH Court, which operates under the dictate of international powers, does not abandon this judicial farce, the citizens and representatives of authorities at all levels state that they will not allow it.

“It is important to say that there is a sufficient number of us who can publicly say that such things cannot pass without violating the Constitution and the law,” emphasized the Mayor of East Sarajevo, Ljubiša Ćosić.

The President of the City Assembly of Bijeljina, Aleksandar Đurđević, stated that there is a border.

“And there is a red line, and that is the property of Srpska. We have reached that border; we will not allow it to go further,” Đurđević emphasized.

“Sadly, the court expresses immense disrespect towards the people of Srpska. But globally, it shows what kind of senseless state we live in,” said the mayor of Pale, Boško Jugović.

The belief that the political-judicial farce will humiliate the Serb people and achieve its goals is arbitrary and unfounded, and the opposite is believed.

“What I would like to convey is that Srpska and its citizens and the president will emerge much stronger from this politically orchestrated process,” added the Deputy Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Aleksandar Goganović.

“The attempt to prove that the dictate of one party is more important here than the law and the Constitution. We are sure that justice is on the side of Srpska,” emphasized the delegate in the Club of the Serb People of the House of Peoples of BiH, Snježana Novaković Bursać.

Judging Srpska, sentencing BiH, say elected representatives in the National Assembly and the federal parliament.

“It is judging all of us; I believe that my place is here,” said the member of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Milica Ijačić.

“What we are going through for years in the Federation of BiH clearly reflects what is happening in the Court of BiH,” said the delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH, Goran Broćeta.

Everyone understands that the goal of this senseless trial is to weaken Republika Srpska, and the matrix according to which this is done is not unknown in history.

“This is violence against justice, this is anarchy, this reminds me of the Brioni Plenum when Aleksandar Ranković was ‘taken off.’ For Serbia to be weaker and Yugoslavia stronger,” emphasized demobilized VRS senior officer and former director of the police of Republika Srpska, Dragan Andan.

A lesson learned from history, which, judging by the support and presence of a large number of citizens in the case of Republika Srpska, will not be repeated. The message is clear: after all, Srpska will be stronger.

Source: RTRS
