The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that everything unconstitutional and antidemocratic in Bosnia and Herzegovina was imposed by a part of the international community led by the U.S. ambassador.

He emphasized that Michael Murphy’s story about constitutionality and legitimacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a circus performance for idlers.

“I’m glad he is sincere in part when he talks about sanctions against those who refuse to obey his demands, so we learned, among other things, that Republika Srpska has problems with the internet due to Michael Murphy’s actions.

Too bad he didn’t respond to the question of whether he is behind the recent hacker attacks on Republika Srpska’s institutions,” Dodik said.

The President of Srpska highlighted that everything Murphy does here is directly against the interests of Republika Srpska, which the U.S. ambassador does not hide, just as he cannot hide his resentment that he was convincingly elected in the elections by the will of the citizens of Republika Srpska.

Dodik reminded that the Constitution states that the president of Republika Srpska is elected in direct elections by eligible voters, and he was elected in that way.

“However, Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement stipulates that the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina is elected on the proposal of states in the UN Security Council. Maybe Murphy can lobby and make statements in the State Department against me, even receive an award from his president, but he cannot lobby the decision of the UN Security Council regarding his protege Christian Schmidt,” Dodik said.

The President of Srpska pointed out that this is the reason for Murphy’s daily efforts to prove the unprovable.

Murphy says that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina expect criminal responsibility to be established for marking Republic Day. Citizens of Republika Srpska celebrated that day in their homes and on the streets of Srpska; does Murphy also account for those citizens he is talking about, those who celebrated?” Dodik asked.

Regarding the marking of January 9th as Republic Day, Dodik told Murphy that it will continue as long as there are people in Republika Srpska.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for making sure that U.S. aviation, flying over the skies of Republika Srpska, enhances the celebration of January 9th,” Dodik said.

Murphy stated for federal media that the “celebration of Republic Day is unconstitutional,” that “many people question the legitimacy of the election outcome for the president of Republika Srpska,” and that it is “ironic that Dodik likes to talk about the clarity of Schmidt’s legitimacy.”

Source: RTRS
