Advisor to the President of Republika Srpska, Pero Simić, stated that during the recent hearing in the BiH Court, President Milorad Dodik made it clear that force is an ineffective way to be used in court.
Simić emphasized that the main hearing in the case against the President of Republika Srpska was postponed in the BiH Court because the prosecutors were not ready for opening statements, and Dodik’s defense requested their disqualification.

“The political manipulation on the stage of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court, as is now widely known, is orchestrated by the colonial dictator, the illegitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt, and his international prompters. Therefore, President Dodik clearly and loudly conveyed during the recent hearing in the BiH Court that force is an ineffective way to be used in court,” stated Simić in an op-ed for the “Iskra” portal.

He pointed out that Dodik was clear in stating that “dilettantes sit in the Prosecutor’s Office, who do not even know the formal procedure, and that exclusively Muslim-oriented prosecutors have an obligation or desire to prosecute everything from Republika Srpska.”

“In this context, it can be rightly concluded that the hooligans from the Prosecutor’s Office thought they could quickly pull something off at the mentioned hearing, probably relying on the support of certain international prompters with Christian Schmidt at the helm, who is unconstitutional, just like the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office, where this political process against Dodik is taking place because he acted as the President of Republika Srpska, respecting constitutional powers,” Simić added.

Simić reminded me that Dodik pointed out as early as 2008 that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court and the Prosecutor’s Office are selective and biased against Republika Srpska. He stressed that Dodik requested the court and prosecutor’s office return to the framework of the law.

“Even in 2008 and until today, Dodik has been asking and demanding that the court return to the framework of the law, and then, as he said back then, it will be entirely indifferent to us who the judge is if he is objective and unbiased. We are convinced that the Bosniak judges in BiH are biased against Republika Srpska,” reminded Simić of Dodik’s statements from 15 years ago.

Simić also noted that Dodik, in presenting these facts in 2008, said that he had no intention of making a distinction among people based on national affiliation.

“Even then, Dodik pointed out that it is only about political facts, that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court is instrumentalized and politicized, which is not good and cannot be a good political fact for the future. Judges are found who are willing to violate the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina under pressure from certain embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and international structures,” Simić recalled.

However, now, after 15 years, Simić emphasized, we witness that the process against the President of Republika Srpska shows that nothing has changed, and the law continues to be violated under pressure from international structures, led by the illegitimate High Representative, who has been diligently trying since his illegitimate arrival in Bosnia and Herzegovina to prevent elected representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina from taking over reforms.

“It is not surprising if one knows that a group of other states imposed a rule on BiH that is above the Constitution and all other laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which gives the High Representative ‘authority to enact laws instead of democratically elected legislative authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,'” Simić stated.

He stressed that Dodik’s firm attitude towards unconstitutional interference by international structures is not “Serb nationalism,” as some analysts want to present it, especially when it is known that, for example, more than a few years ago, the president of HDZ, Dragan Čović, publicly joined Dodik with a request to stop the work of the OHR, to stop imposing laws and acts of the High Representative in BiH, and to expedite dialogue among Bosnia and Herzegovina leaders.

“In the end, it should be repeated that for President Dodik, despite everything, even under pressure, pleasing foreigners is not a priority, but at all costs, preserving what was gained by the Dayton Peace Agreement. Hence Dodik’s consistent opposition to attempts to revise the Dayton Agreement by the illegitimate High Representative, supported by some international hooligans in and outside Bosnia and Herzegovina,” concluded Simić.

Source: RTRS
