Bojan Savić, an advisor to the President of the Republika Srpska, sent a message to the German citizen and admirer of Nazi Germany, Christian Schmidt, stating that he is the last person in the world who has the right to even mention January 9th, the Day of the Republika Srpska.
A politician attempting, recognizable by Hitleresque gestures, whose infamous career is marked only by scandals now wants to demand that Serbs renounce their glorious history. Unlike fascist Germany, the Serb people were on the side of anti-fascists, and the fight against the greatest evil and scourge of the 20th century—Nazism, of which Schmidt, evidently, is a supporter—emphasized Savić in a statement to Srna.

He said that Schmidt has at least a little honor and dignity; he would renounce the shameful past of those he seeks to rehabilitate, such as the Nazi pilot Werner Mölders, one of the well-known personalities of the Third Reich, in order to erase a stain from his name.

It is known that Mölders built his career as a faithful link in the National Socialist chain and, as a pilot, participated in the Nazi bombing of London and Dunkirk. This is a person whose rehabilitation Christian Schmidt advocates. So, what can we, Serb, expect from such a Serb-hater like Schmidt!? Maybe he is preparing ‘yellow ribbons’ for everyone in the Republika Srpska just because we celebrate its birthday!? Savić asked.

He conveyed to Schmidt that on January 9th, the day when the Republic of Srpska was created in 1992, all Serbs, as every year, will mark it with honor and dignity, whether he likes it or not.
Thanks to Schmidt, January 9, 2024, will be celebrated even more beautifully, stronger, and more dignified because our pride will compel us to give him a unique response to his hysteria regarding this glorious date in the history of the Serb people. We are waiting for him to join us at the ceremony, and if that date is so loathsome to him, he knows where to find us, so let him order the arrest of all of us. It will be our honor and pleasure, but January 9th will be celebrated forever because Srpska is eternal, emphasized Savić.

Source: RTRS
