Director of the Public Institution Center for Socio-Political Research of Republika Srpska, Dusan Pavlovic, stated that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court is a copy of The Hague Tribunal, and German Christian Schmidt is an executioner in an attempt against the Republika Srpska, which is why all responsible citizens of Republika Srpska now have the opportunity to publicly defend the essence of the identity and survival of their people.

Pavlovic emphasized that Schmidt’s statement, in which he falsely represents himself as a high representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina without a UN mandate, invoking the rule of law, must be understood in the context of German geopolitical plans and long-term processes.
He pointed out that these plans, over 150 years old, aim at the political and economic occupation of these areas and all the people living on them, regardless of the means. The consequences of such German policies can be seen in the millions of victims and destruction in these areas in two world wars and the breakup of the SFRY in the 1990s. Nazi Germany is most directly responsible for the genocide against Serbs in the NDH, which they facilitated and directly participated in, Pavlovic emphasized.

Continuity of the German Geopolitical Agenda

Pavlovic said that the actions of the German Schmidt, a member of Nazi structures, according to the materials published by the Center since he illegally entered OHR, and the moves he makes clearly indicate the continuity of the German geopolitical agenda in these areas.
“German Schmidt, with a German diplomatic document, carried out a kind of coup d’etat in Bosnia and Herzegovina and, in a way, put the Dayton Agreement and the BiH Constitution out of force. As an individual without any mandate, except for a German diplomatic passport, he forcibly imposes laws and politically forces the parliament to adopt his decisions as laws and to judge anyone who does not respect his decisions. Even Monty Python couldn’t have created such a tragicomedy,” Pavlovic emphasized.
Of course, Pavlovic noted, since the Center deals with long-term processes and the observation of social reality and phenomena, it should be mentioned that the totalitarian manners and practices of the German Schmidt, an executioner in an attempt against the Republika Srpska, should be viewed in the context of his ideological idols.

Namely, when the Nazis occupied the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941 and divided the Serb people into several occupational zones (sound familiar?), they immediately initiated legal proceedings against organizers and participants in the coup on March 27, 1941. Everyone who dared to oppose the Nazis and Hitler at that time was tried in Belgrade in courts under Nazi control at his command. Does this sound familiar? – Pavlovic pointed out.

Also, since Serb enemies, through the media they control under their (NATO) control, try to insert a narrowed picture of reality and perform their own kind of hypnosis on the population, Pavlovic reminded us that even in The Hague Tribunal, they constantly claimed not to judge the Serb people but individuals. However, when you look at the verdict of General Ratko Mladic, it is clear that everyone from the age of 16 and older in Republika Srpska is responsible!
“We all know very well that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court is a copy of the Hague Tribunal, and anyone who claims today that the Serb people and Republika Srpska are not being judged in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court is consciously lying to us and has no honorable intentions,” Pavlovic said.

A ban on January 9th would be the beginning of the expulsion of Serb. That’s why radical Islamists in FBiH are rapidly strengthening.

Pavlovic emphasized that these are just tactical moves within the framework of Germany’s strategy, some other NATO member states, and the political West.
“In that sense, I warned about Schmidt’s intention to ban the main symbols of our freedom and identity, the family saint’s day and the Day of Republika Srpska, on January 9th. After that comes the taking of territory and the ban on the family saint’s day, wheat dish, and cradle in our homes because that will offend someone for sure. This would be the beginning of our expulsion and the disappearance of Serbs from these areas, or Republika Srpska, in response to the possibility of a new genocide in 1992,” Pavlovic warned.

He pointed out that this scenario is imposed as a reality, especially when taking into account the rapid and systemic strengthening of radical Islamist structures in Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, which Schmidt and his political and ideological mentors consciously hide from the public, thus enabling their development.
“German institutions, including the parliament, although informed about everything, say he hasn’t withdrawn the diplomatic passport and status from German Schmidt, an executioner in an attempt, and they still have maneuvering space to get out of this very awkward situation. It’s the time of various viruses and pandemics…”
Pavlovic noted.

The director of the Public Institution Center for Socio-Political Research of Republika Srpska urged that this is also a real opportunity for all responsible Serb and all citizens of Republika Srpska to publicly stand up in defense of the essence of Serbian identity and survival.
“Perhaps this is one of the last opportunities for us to come together on a personal and national level,” Pavlovic emphasized.

Source: RTRS
