“President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik announced that he will soon visit Belarus. Regarding pressures from the West, he assessed that the situation in that country is similar to that in Srpska and that the entire Orthodox world is under attack by the collective West, while Europe is increasingly under the control of America.

Dodik, speaking to RTR-Belarus television, said that he cares about the opinions of the people he meets every day, who are grateful for the policy he is pursuing, rather than the opinions of some bureaucrats from Brussels and distant America who are out of touch with reality and threaten the existence of Republika Srpska.

Anyone who is not willing to implement their rules is on the other side for Brussels and America, President Milorad Dodik said in an interview for Belarusian television. He emphasized that everyone who wants to behave according to their own interests and international law suffers because of it, as seen in the examples of Russia and Belarus. Despite the pressures and bans, as long as the people support him, Dodik states that he will continue to pursue this policy.

‘I value the will of the people I meet every day, who are grateful for the policy I am pursuing, more than the opinion of some bureaucrats from Brussels and America, who have no connection with reality and who implement their own political agendas. Which are essentially anti-Serb and only threaten the existence of the Dayton Agreement, which is treated as an international agreement, and the endangerment of Republika Srpska itself and its survival,’ said Dodik.

Serb belong to the group of the Orthodox world, and when you analyze the situation, you will see that every strong lever of it has been attacked, Dodik said. The goal of the West throughout history, he points out, was to prevent the creation of a unique territorial unit in this area that would gather the majority of Serbs. That goal, he notes, has not changed even during the breakup of Yugoslavia.

‘We had to withdraw to what is called a reserve position, to lift Republika Srpska and Serbia, to protect Serbs above it, and of course, through historical processes, try to unite, because we believe that is the only legitimate and politically correct idea. It is not directed against anyone except the interests of the great, who cannot accept that the Orthodox people, Serb, in the center of the Balkans, can form a dominant state,’ Dodik stated.

Putin and Russia, he says, realized that the intention of the West is to dominate the East by subjugating Ukraine. Dodik says that the European Union is being destroyed by American imperialism and that America is doing everything to prevent a potential alliance between Europe and Russia. When asked to comment on whether BRICS is an alternative to the European Union, Dodik said that the Union is a community falling apart and that nothing can help it anymore.

‘We should be happy here that the EU says we will be a member of the EU one day, when God knows, but at the same time, we have to change ourselves, change society, and give our sovereignty to someone in Brussels who will decide about us. When you enter the European Union, you have to give up your sovereignty, and in BRICS, you don’t have to. That’s why it’s an incomparable story,’ Dodik said.

Dodik also sent a message to the citizens of Belarus. Announcing his upcoming visit to this country, the President of Srpska told them to protect their president, state, and freedom.”

Source: RTRS
