“Sanja Vulić, the head of the SNSD parliamentary caucus in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that the EU, by withholding funds for projects, has revealed its true face through blackmailing policies towards Republika Srpska.

‘The EU has disregarded the fact that Republika Srpska has implemented all EU projects within the specified deadlines and fulfilled its obligations in that regard. This stepmotherly stance shows that the EU does not respect the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH and that they are accomplices to part of political Sarajevo on the path towards creating a unitary BiH,’ Vulić stated for Srna.

She reminded that the EU must respect the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country of two entities and three constituent peoples.

‘The insistence on keeping foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina clearly demonstrates the commitment of EU representatives for Bosnia and Herzegovina to remain a protectorate and a country of hopelessness. EU representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not advocate for fulfilling the 14 priorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina for membership for reasons known only to them,’ Vulić said.”

Source: RTRS
