“Member of the Presidency of the SNSD, Staša Košarac, stated that it’s evident the American Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Murphy, has long exceeded permissible diplomatic bounds. He finds the level of his aggressiveness and arrogance extremely alarming.

Košarac assessed that there’s not a speck of diplomacy or dignity in Murphy’s behavior. Instead, he aggressively pursues policies against the Republika Srpska, its leadership, and the Serb people, demonstrating an unabashed hatred without any attempt to conceal it. Košarac , who is also the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, reminded that since Murphy’s arrival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he hasn’t missed an opportunity to attack the Republika Srpska and threaten its legitimately elected President, Milorad Dodik, falsely accusing him of destabilization.

‘Let Murphy say who in Republika Srpska advocates for war options or mentions conflicts?! Shamelessly lying, with every bit of his nonsense, he further confirms himself as an open enemy of the Serb people,’ wrote Košarac on Instagram.

Košarac stated that Marfij is the main factor behind the instability and the source of the biggest problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, continuously mentioning conflicts, threatening, and openly aligning with one – the Bosniak side. According to him, Murphy aggressively undermines the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina by supporting the illegitimate Christian Schmidt and turning Bosnia and Herzegovina into a colony.

‘In this country, he’s no longer a diplomat or a welcome guest. Murphy is an American embarrassment, and as such, it would be best for him to leave Bosnia and Herzegovina on the next flight,’ concluded Košarac.”

Source: RTRS
