President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated today that the absurd situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has been lasting for too long, emphasizing that Republika Srpska has remained a defender of the Dayton Peace Agreement, thereby showcasing its character.

“From the beginning, it was clear that the Dayton Peace Agreement is a transitional document, and they no longer hide it. The question is towards what, towards a unitary Bosnia, and we do not agree with that,” Dodik conveyed.

He highlighted a series of episodes in BiH as an absurd situation regarding the Dayton Peace Agreement, pointing out that the actions of Christian Schmidt are directed against Republika Srpska.

“Now they are chasing us with the BiH Court,” Dodik said, adding that it is absurd for someone who is not a High Representative, not confirmed by the UN Security Council, to impose laws.

“Even the opposition in Republika Srpska refused to cooperate with him, except for the People’s Front party led by Jelena Trivic,” Dodik emphasized.

He reminded that previous High Representatives had banned political activities, that over 280 laws in BiH were completely imposed by the High Representative, and now this continues through legal proceedings in the BiH Court.

Dodik told Television Happy that Schmidt is associated with major scandals in Germany and that if he were honest, he would never accept what he is doing in BiH.

“The Germans didn’t want him [Schmidt], Angela Merkel didn’t know what to do with him, and suddenly Valentin Inzko resigns, and Schmidt comes,” Dodik said.

He pointed out that Republika Srpska was in an ungrateful position after Dayton, and the situation is entirely different now.

“The essence of Republika Srpska is in its character,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik added that everything Schmidt does is directed against the Serbs.

“Merkel didn’t know what to do with him; they didn’t want him. Since he was her associate, she sent him here,” Dodik said.

Speaking about the Dayton Peace Agreement, Dodik stated that Serbia and Croatia, as signatories and guarantors of the agreement, will have to be asked about it someday.

Source: RTRS
