“We regularly fulfill all obligations, the budget is stable, and it will remain so in the next year,” said Zora Vidović, the Minister of Finance of Republika Srpska, appearing on the Morning Program of RTRS.

“There has been a lot of talk about bankruptcy, but nothing has come of it. We have found new financial markets, and we are successfully entering the next year,” Vidović emphasized.

The draft budget of Republika Srpska for 2024 is expected to be presented to the Members of Parliament tomorrow. Its framework amounts to 5 billion 735 million BAM, which is 212 million, or four percent more than the framework of the budget rebalance for Srpska for this year.

“On the expenditure side, we have many items. Budget expenditures are 4.7 billion. Significant expenses are for pensions, which are increased by nine percent, with total allocations increased by 11 percent. Allocations for veteran categories have been increased and amount to 467 million KM, about 130 million KM more than this year,” Vidović pointed out.

She stated that savings are planned for public investments.

Source: RTRS
