“Today, an Honorary Consulate of Serbia was inaugurated in Pale. The consulate was officially opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, and the Honorary Consul of Serbia in Pale, Dejan Ljevnaić.

Dačić emphasized that Serbia aims to continue nurturing special and unbreakable ties with Republika Srpska. He assessed that the opening of the Honorary Consulate in Pale will contribute to this goal and provide a new impetus for cooperation between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Furthermore, Dačić stated that for Serbia, relations with Republika Srpska are not only neighborly but also fraternal. He expressed the desire for equal prosperity for the people of Srpska, akin to the people of Serbia.”

“Recognizing the significance of the role of honorary consuls and their contribution to advancing Serbia’s relations with other countries, we have continuously worked on expanding the network of honorary consuls worldwide. Today, Serbia boasts the largest number of honorary consuls in its history, with a total of 100 consulates across all continents,” stated Dačić. He emphasized the importance of Serbia acquiring its first honorary consulate in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dačić recalled that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia has an embassy in Sarajevo, general consulates in Banja Luka and Mostar, and consular offices in Trebinje and Drvar, and now the first honorary consulate in Pale.

Dejan Ljevnaić, the honorary consul who is also the director of the Jahorina Olympic Center, highlighted that the consulate would serve as a place connecting our people, contributing to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.”

“Košarac emphasized that the leadership of Republika Srpska is committed to close cooperation with Serbia, and today’s opening of the Consulate of Serbia in Pale confirms the strengthening of these ties.

He highlighted that both Republika Srpska and Serbia are dedicated to policies promoting peace, stability, and regional cooperation.

“This demonstrates the commitment of Republika Srpska’s leadership, primarily President Milorad Dodik, to work with the political leadership of Serbia on matters important for our people, to foster our national unity, and strengthen the economy,” Košarac stated.”

“Minister of Trade and Tourism of Republika Srpska, Denis Šulić, expressed his commitment to strengthen Serbia’s cooperation with Srpska and the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“This is a significant day for Pale and Republika Srpska,” said Šulić.

He assured Serbia that in Republika Srpska, it always has a steadfast and great friend.

Boško Јugović, the Mayor of Pale, emphasized that the Honorary Consulate of Serbia would be of immense importance to the residents of this municipality and the citizens of Republika Srpska. He highlighted that it would facilitate the strengthening of relations between Srpska and Serbia.

He extended gratitude to the Presidents of Serbia and Republika Srpska, Aleksandar Vučić and Milorad Dodik, as well as to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and others involved in this project.

Among others, the gathering was attended by Minister for Family and Youth, Selma Čabrić, Minister of Health, Alen Šeranić, and the Ambassador of Slovenia to Sarajevo, Damjan Serdar, as well as Mayor Boško Јugović.”

Source: RTRS
