“Legal expert Ognjen Tadić stated that the trial against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Acting Director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, sets an extremely dangerous precedent that undermines the fundamental principles of countries’ sovereignty. He emphasized that this viewpoint is shared by the professional and academic community across the region.

Tadić highlighted that a guilty verdict for Dodik and Lukić would turn everything taught about law upside down.

The professional and academic communities across the entire region have taken a stand that the trial of Dodik and Lukić sets an extremely dangerous precedent that undermines the fundamental principles of countries’ sovereignty, civil rights of citizens in their home countries, and the UN Charter – stated Tadić to Srna.

He gave an example that the United States and Sweden refuse to extradite members of FETO and Kurdish organizations to Turkey because they believe they would face a political trial. Yet, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, they’re expected to conduct a political trial against their own citizens for not complying with the will of a foreigner falsely posing as a high representative.

Highlighting the significance of protecting this legal principle, Tadić pointed out that even Sweden doesn’t want to violate it, even if it means not joining NATO at a time when it perceives a threat from a Russian invasion.

Maybe someone in Bosnia and Herzegovina should question what is happening at the Court of BiH – Tadić remarked.

Tadić noted that while there might have been initial doubts about the sincerity of the Republika Srpska’s message regarding protecting the Dayton Peace Agreement from violations, the constitutional order of BiH, and Republika Srpska from attacks, with each passing day, it becomes clearer that this is a completely sincere message.

The trial against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Acting Director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, was postponed by the Court of BiH after the defense’s request to transfer the case to the competent court in Banja Luka was rejected.

The defense announced an appeal against this decision, and the proceedings will continue depending on the decision of the Appeals Chamber.

The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has filed charges against Dodik and Lukić for not respecting the decisions of Christian Schmidt.”

Source: RTRS
