“Delegations from various organizations, stemming from the Defense of the Homeland War, will attend the trial of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, at the Court of BiH. These delegations include the Veterans’ Association of Republika Srpska, the Republic Organization of Families of Captured and Fallen Fighters and Missing Civilians, the Camp Inmates Association, the Alliance of Organizations and Associations of War Veterans with Disabilities, war victim women, veterans, and senior members of the Army of Republika Srpska.

Support for the President of Srpska will also come from representatives of Serb in the Federation, a large number of councilors in local communities, and numerous officials.

The President of the Veterans’ Association of Istočno Novo Sarajevo, Dragiša Tuševljak, told RTRS that the Veterans’ Association of Republika Srpska supports the institutions of Srpska, particularly the institution of the President of the Republic, which is currently under scrutiny. Therefore, they will come to Sarajevo today to convey the message: It’s time to let us live in peace!”

“Božica Živković Rajilić, President of the Association of Women Victims of War of Republika Srpska, stated that the association members offer full support to the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in the fabricated trial at the Court of BiH, which is why they will come to Sarajevo today, where the hearing is scheduled.

We’re going to Sarajevo to support the truth and the proper work of President Dodik,’ Rajilić emphasized.

Anđelko Nosović, President of the Alliance of Camp Inmates of Republika Srpska, finds it unacceptable that a legal proceeding is underway against the lawfully elected President of Republika Srpska, who operates in accordance with the laws and the Constitution of Srpska.

Nosović highlighted that such behavior from a part of the international community and Schmit aims to demonize the Serb people and everything Serb.

Isidora Graorac, President of the Republic Organization of Families of Captured, Fallen Fighters, and Missing Civilians, conveyed that in today’s hearing, they defend the institutions of Republika Srpska, for which Serb fathers and sons have given their lives.

‘The President Dodik is undergoing a violent judicial process aimed at prosecuting a president who stood behind the decisions of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, as well as the acting director of the Official Gazette because he published those decisions,’ Graorac told Srna.”

Source: RTRS
