The monodrama “The Book about Milutin,” starring Nenad Jezdić, will be performed at the National Theater of the Republika Srpska on Friday, December 8th, and on Saturday, December 9th, at 8 PM on the main stage.

The play premiered two years ago at the “Zvezdara Theater” and has had over 150 performances since then. The text is by Danko Popović, and Egon Savin directed it.

Many years after 1914 and the start of the First World War, Milutin revisits the war days in his thoughts, recalling painful moments that marked not only his life but also the lives of many others, serving as the protagonist and narrator.

He attempts to find answers to questions that troubled Serb peasants and householders. Milutin, an uneducated yet wise and just peasant, prioritizes taking care of his mother, wife, and property while upholding honor and filling the barn as crucial in life.

Speaking in simple language about the senselessness of war, the sacrifice of the youth, and the credulity of people who, driven by the idea of a great state, left their loved ones fighting for “higher” goals, “The Book about Milutin” is a genuine anti-war story.

Source: Glas Srpske
