“Former director of the Police of Republika Srpska, Dragomir Andan, emphasized that the U.S. Ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy, has stepped beyond diplomatic bounds, grossly interfering in the internal affairs of BiH.

We are publishing Dragomir Andan’s text in its entirety:

These days, the U.S. Ambassador in Sarajevo, once again with his undiplomatic rhetoric, attempts to gain the sympathies of the Bosniaks. The minder is at work again, seated by the blue, offering various delicacies and who knows what else.

At the location of Baščaršija, which the U.S. Ambassador visits, the use of hookah is publicly available in hospitality venues. It seems like a prestigious act of the newly formed Sarajevo elite. It seems to me that Murphy has succumbed to this vice and, through frequent use of this strange drink, is losing his senses.

I don’t know if he checked the contents of the hookah or if he’s aware that through this opiate, substances promoting hatred towards Serbs and the Serbian people in Republika Srpska could be inserted.

I don’t blame Murphy if he naively approached this ‘pleasure,’ but I wonder if the service accompanying him failed by not warning him about the harmful consequences after indulgence.

I would remind Mr. Murphy that the Serb people are a people of freedom fighters, who sacrificed an enormous number of lives in two world wars fighting against hegemonists and fascists in the Balkans.

Over 1.2 million of our best sons and daughters gave their lives in the fight against fascism, making a huge contribution to the creation of a new democracy in Europe.

It’s unnecessary—or perhaps necessary—to mention that Serb lost over a third of their male population in World War I, and after that, with the American flag flying alongside the Serb flag on the White House, something even much more powerful nations cannot boast.

Mr. Murphy, you have stepped beyond diplomatic boundaries, grossly interfering in the internal affairs of BiH. In any normal country that is not treated as a protectorate as you treat BiH, you would be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and handed a note of expulsion because you’ve violated the Vienna Agreement, which regulates the status and actions of foreign diplomats.

Struggling for centuries for our independence, we are born with a backbone. We pass on the historical struggle of our people to our children and grandchildren, teaching them that the backbone is the most important organ of our body. There are nations that are born without this important organ, and you either don’t want or don’t care to understand that we are not among them.

In this country, BiH, you represent a great power, a force that would govern the entire world, but a small nation has been resisting this hegemony for years.

Neither sanctions, threats, nor pressures that are on your constant agenda will stop us from being who we are—ourselves on our own land, free, hospitable, good hosts, and people who love their Republika Srpska.

And finally, this nation will never be Monica Lewinsky.”

Source: RTRS
