The 12th Russian film Festival in Brčko concluded with the screening of the movie “Palma,” directed by Aleksandr Domogarov.

The festival was organized by the Svetosavska Youth Community in collaboration with the Embassy of the Russian Federation in BiH. The movie “Palma,” inspired by a true story about a dog, captivated a full audience at the Cultural Center in Brčko, marking the end of the Russian Film Festival.

The Svetosavska Youth Community received full support from the Russian Embassy in promoting Russian culture, art, and cinematography.

“As the Embassy of the Russian Federation, we fully support this wonderful initiative of the Svetosavska Youth Community in Brčko District. We believe it reflects the cultural openness and multinational character of Brčko District, as well as the brotherly character of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church, supporting our unbreakable cultural ties here in the Balkans,” said First Secretary of the Russian Embassy in BiH, Yuri Pichugin.

Throughout its 12-year history, the Svetosavska Youth Community has organized screenings of approximately 60 films during the festival, aiming to introduce the rich Russian history, art, and culture to the Brčko audience through modern cinematography.

“The foundation of this Russian film festival lies in the connection, spiritual, cultural, and every other aspect, between the fraternal Serbian and Russian peoples. We are striving to maintain that connection,” said Kristijan Đokić, coordinator of the Svetosavska Youth Community in Brčko.

The week dedicated to Russian cinema showcased five films of different genres, portraying modern Russian cinematography with high standards of film production.
