“Ambassador of BiH to Serbia, Aleksandar Vranjes, stated to SRNA that the US sees BiH as its colony, while the American ambassador to Sarajevo, Michael Murphy, hides behind those American interests and personally wages war against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, his family, and the top of the Republika Srpska.

“Murphy hides personal wars behind those American interests, his own complexes and frustrations, waging personal battles to settle scores with a man he believes shouldn’t exist,” Vranjes said.

Vranjes assessed that such frustration could have serious consequences not only on bilateral relations with BiH but could create serious consequences within BiH itself due to such behavior by someone who should only be an ambassador communicating his country’s policies and nothing more.

“He’s waging wars, engaging in sanctioning, accusing, and attacking families, targeting who should be replaced or what else to do. So, it’s a personal war. How much the State Department has given him carte blanche, we don’t know. But he experiences it personally, and he shouldn’t,” Vranjes emphasized.

Vranjes pointed out the approach of the US towards BiH as their colony, where they determine who is good, who is bad, what is right, what isn’t, where they undermine international public law, and where it collapsed with the establishment of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), the Bonn powers, and all the support for legal violence that has been happening in BiH for decades.

“So they are the law, the supreme law, and we are a colony. It’s reminiscent of colonialism and the time of the British Empire. It’s the same model; they view BiH as a colony, where they should make decisions, exploit, and direct. That’s the US interest,” Vranjes said.

According to him, they have demolished the legal order and rule of law in BiH with the notion that BiH is their protectorate, where the final decisions are not made by the people, not democratically, not by the state, not by the deputies, but by them as a superpower in cooperation with Great Britain.

He added that this is one segment of the American perception of BiH and its citizens and politicians, while the other is the American ambassador Michael Murphy himself.

Vranjes noted that by comparing the behavior of former American ambassadors, it can be fully and accurately said that Murphy has gone beyond the ambassadorial mandate and started waging a personal war against Milorad Dodik, his family, and the entire top of Republika Srpska.

“If his country allows that, it shows us how little his country cares about what an ambassador does, what force he applies, and what arrogance he exercises in a state where he is accredited,” Vranjes emphasized.

He assessed that Murphy’s desire to harm someone is not the ambassador’s job, which strengthens bilateral relations, but he thinks he should manage and replace.

“Murphy has gone beyond the ambassadorial mandate and openly shows Serbophobia. If this were a normal country, he would have been declared persona non grata long ago,” said Vranjes.”
