President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that a Serb national state in the Balkans is a completely legitimate political goal, one he is certain will be achieved sooner or later, despite the desires of many to prevent it.

Dodik emphasized that Serb will strive to peacefully achieve this politically legitimate goal.

“The Serb national state in these territories is entirely legitimate and politically correct, which is why many aim to prevent it. However, this time, Serb won’t be as eager to resort to violent actions to achieve this politically legitimate goal,” Dodik told “NIN” magazine.

When asked about the possibility of creating a unified state comprising Serbia, Republika Srpska, and Montenegro in such international circumstances, Dodik mentioned that the idea has been heard of, which was his intention.

He stated it’s natural for Serb to express themselves and create a unified country from ethnic territories where they are the majority.

“What’s the problem with ‘Greater Serbia’?” Dodik responded when asked if he was aware that this could be interpreted as a reaffirmation of that concept.

Regarding discussions about this idea with authorities in Belgrade, Dodik revealed discussing it with the special envoy of the German government for the Western Balkans, Manuel Saracin, who mentioned their role is to prevent the separation of Republika Srpska from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“I told him they cannot prevent it, to which he replied, ‘I know, but we can delay it.’ I don’t know if he made a mistake by saying that, but those were his words. As for discussing it with someone in Belgrade, that’s not important. Political actions are essential, and they are the response to your question of why I’ve been in power for so long – because I’m trying to implement the will of the people. If anyone doubts that, let us hold a referendum. Let the condition be that at least 80 percent vote for an independent Republika Srpska. And what should I, as a politician, do if an overwhelming majority of the people support that?” Dodik questioned.

When asked if he genuinely believes in such a state, Dodik noted that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and Republika Srpska, and no one would force Montenegro into such a community.

“No one will force them; it will be the decision of the people living there. Perhaps their stance will change if Serbia continues to develop economically. We should all work towards that. I know it’s foolish to argue with America, but we’ve been put in a situation where we can’t do otherwise, because if we did everything they said, we’d collapse in a year. This way, at least there’s a chance that next year, Joseph Biden will lose the elections, and Donald Trump will take his place, and then we’ll see,” Dodik remarked.

Regarding the upcoming elections in Serbia, Dodik mentioned supporting Aleksandar Vučić’s list on December 17th because it’s in Republika Srpska’s interest for him to win.
