The biggest problem for the Serbian people is being and existing in one of the most unstable geopolitical spaces, on a fictitious border, or in a vacuum between a multipolar and unipolar world in conflict, according to the Minister for Scientific-Technological Development and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir.

“The only survival formula, until a new balance of power is established in the world, is to be patient and do everything to preserve the authorities and sovereignty granted to Republika Srpska by the international agreement signed in Dayton. We must wait for better and fairer times when we can fully defend our national and state capacities,” Budimir stated.

He told Glas Srpske that the five major powers in the UN Security Council reflect the power structure at the end of World War II, but it doesn’t correspond to today’s power relations.

“France and Great Britain still have guaranteed seats in this council, although we can freely say that these two countries are no longer great powers as they were once. These countries do not belong to this elite group. Their seats should be taken by India, Brazil, or representatives from Africa. What can we conclude? That the UN is a dinosaur,” added Budimir.

When asked why it is difficult to achieve compromise in BiH, Budimir said that political representatives from the Federation of BiH avoid responsibility, not wanting to take on the role of creators of BiH’s future.

“They shy away from that and leave that stick to foreigners. On the other hand, foreign factors treat domestic politicians as pets,” noted Budimir.

He said that in the Balkans, there are nations with a certain historical and state consciousness and others without it.

“It is clear that it is not easy to manipulate Serbs as it is with some other nations. The great powers know this, so they see us as one of the actors who, whenever the opportunity arises, need to be militarily, politically, or economically defeated and destroyed,” added Budimir.

He assessed that the EU has lost its former zeal, attractiveness, and magnetism.

“They have become one of the parties in the war. The case of Ukraine showed that there is no difference between the EU and NATO. Now they offer us a new mess, six billion euros waved in front of our eyes. At the same time, they demand that we accept everything imposed on us from Brussels. If Republika Srpska were to accept all these conditions without reservation, it would sign its own death sentence,” concluded Budimir.
