“SNDS Representative in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Milorad Kojić, stated that if tomorrow, at the Presidency of BiH session, General Gojko Knežević is not appointed as the Chief of Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of BiH, it would be a direct dismantling of BiH.

If a Serb is not appointed, to whom, based on the rotation principle, that position currently belongs, Kojić stated that two members of the Presidency are sending a clear message that they do not respect what is guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement, seeing BiH exclusively as a Bosniak state where Serbs are not allowed decision-making rights, thus directly influencing the dismantling of the Dayton BiH.

He emphasized that two members of the Presidency of BiH are determined to retain their personnel at any cost, disregarding the rotation system that has been established, considering this as a way to retain Senad Mašović as the Chief of Staff.

Kojić mentioned that this has become a pattern of behavior for Bosniak politicians, attempting to obstruct and ensure their personnel remains in leading positions.

If tomorrow’s vote for the appointment of General Knežević does not take place, Kojić believes that the representatives of the international community will not react to such anti-Dayton and unconstitutional behavior.

“I fear, considering previous similar situations where a reaction was absent, that there might be no reaction tomorrow either. They will seize every opportunity to accuse Serbs, Republika Srpska, and its leadership of undermining BiH, while their actions, if they happen, are a direct dismantling of BiH,” Kojić addressed Srna.

General Gojko Knežević has been proposed for the position of Chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces of BiH, which should replace Senad Mašović, confirmed earlier by Srna from the Ministry of Defense in the Council of Ministers.

Mašović has been illegally in office as the Chief of Staff for almost two years. His mandate expired at the beginning of March last year.

The Presidency should state its opinion on the new Chief of Staff tomorrow.

Deputy Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Aleksandar Goganović, stated to Srna yesterday that tomorrow, at the Presidency of BiH session, the only Serbian member of the Presidency of BiH, Željka Cvijanović, will vote in favor, while the other two members will reportedly vote against appointing new generals solely because a general from the Serbian people should take the position of Chief of Joint Staff.”
