
Cvijanović: We must keep up with the times

Cvijanović: We must keep up with the times

The world we live in today is drastically different from what it was just a decade ago, and in another ten years, today’s world will seem like the distant past, said Željka Cvijanović, Serb member and Chairwoman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, following her address at the World Government Summit in Dubai.

Cvijanović emphasized that economic crises, migration, and various security challenges require joint efforts and collective responses, as no country can tackle them alone.

  • “This is why enhancing cooperation is imperative, both bilaterally and regionally, as well as on a global level,” Cvijanović stated during the forum on “Innovative governance for a resilient future: Advancing stability, growth, and cooperation.”

She expressed confidence that the future belongs to those who are willing to build bridges of fruitful cooperation, constructive dialogue, mutual understanding, and genuine partnerships based on equality.

Highlighting the importance of participating in such a prestigious summit, Cvijanović stated that she strongly advocates for strengthening regional cooperation within the Western Balkans, as it is the best path toward building a more stable and prosperous environment for all in the region.

  • “Joint economic initiatives, energy, and infrastructure projects can bring enormous benefits to all of us and significantly accelerate economic development, both for the region as a whole and for each individual country,” Cvijanović noted.

Addressing global challenges through governance innovation

Cvijanović pointed out that in a time of unpredictable global processes and geopolitical upheavals, societies face serious challenges that test the resilience of institutions, economies, and communities.

  • “In such circumstances, responsible, efficient, and innovative governance becomes not only an imperative but also a fundamental prerequisite for maintaining stability, achieving sustainable growth, and advancing society as a whole,” she emphasized.

She stated that the resilience of any community largely depends on the strength of its institutions, particularly their ability to effectively address the diverse needs of citizens.

  • “In the era of the digital revolution, which has profoundly transformed the way we live, communicate, and conduct business, there is no effective governance without the application of modern technologies,” Cvijanović said.

She noted that rapid technological changes are setting new standards for public administration, offering an opportunity for greater agility, transparency, and accessibility to citizens than ever before.

  • “From e-governance to artificial intelligence, digital tools are already indispensable components of every modern administration, and their role in the future will be even more crucial,” Cvijanović assessed.

She cited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as an excellent example of how digitalization enhances government efficiency, producing impressive results.

Cvijanović emphasized that Bosnia and Herzegovina is very interested in strengthening cooperation with the UAE in this sector, including the application of modern digital solutions to improve public services, public order, and overall security.

Investing in education, innovation, and technological transformation

She underscored the clear correlation between adopting innovative approaches and technological modernization on one hand, and faster and more sustainable economic growth on the other.

  • “In the 21st century, it is nearly impossible to build a competitive economy without digital transformation in governance and business, and without strategic investments in education and scientific research,” Cvijanović noted.

Therefore, she said, various levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina are implementing numerous reforms aimed at enhancing competitiveness through economic modernization and innovation in education and public administration.

  • “However, we are aware that this is a continuous and highly demanding process in which we must constantly keep pace with the rapidly evolving global trends,” Cvijanović stated.

She highlighted that young people are the key drivers of digital transformation, as they skillfully use advanced digital tools in their education and work, just like their peers in the most developed countries.

  • “We must dedicate additional attention to young people, their education, and professional development, providing them with the necessary conditions to apply their modern technological knowledge and skills for the advancement of society as a whole,” she stressed.

Cvijanović concluded that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and that the challenges we face transcend national borders.

  • “Some claim that the world has changed more in the last 40 years than in the previous thousand. At first glance, this may seem unbelievable, but it is not unfounded. What is certain is that today’s world is dramatically different from that of just a decade ago, and in another ten years, the present will seem like the distant past,” she emphasized.

She concluded that keeping up with the times requires strengthening institutions, modernizing governance, investing in education and innovation, and improving cooperation and partnerships to maintain stability, ensure sustainable growth, and effectively address future challenges.

  • “The future ahead is not entirely predictable, just as the challenges we will face are unknown. However, I am confident that we will have the necessary modern tools to overcome them and the knowledge to use those tools in the best possible way,” Cvijanović stated.

Source: RTRS
