
Sabor of traditional singing brings together all generations

Sabor of traditional singing brings together all generations

The 3rd Sabor of traditional singing of eastern Herzegovina, “Sing, Herzegovina,” was held in Ljubinje.

The sports hall “Jovo Đurić” was filled to capacity with an audience that enjoyed a two-hour program featuring traditional folk songs.

According to Desanka Radić, the event was of a non-competitive, celebratory nature.

  • Our youngest members performed accompanied by gusle, presenting a beautiful song from our region. Other singing groups from our community also took part. It was a passing down of tradition from generation to generation, as both the youngest participants, their parents, and grandparents were present, said Radić.

She emphasized that the goal of this Sabor is solely to bring together groups from eastern Herzegovina and their friends during the holiday season.

  • We organize the Sabor at the end of December, just before the holidays, to create a festive atmosphere in preparation for upcoming celebrations. All our obligations are adjusted—from fasting meals to everything related to the holidays. We are glad that our friends from Plužine were also with us, Radić added.

Performers included the Women’s Singing Group “Folklore Society Ljubinje,” Serbian Sokol Society “Nevesinjska Puška” from Nevesinje, Men’s and Women’s Singing Group “Sveti Sava” from Orah-Bileća, Men’s Singing Group “Ljubomirci” from Trebinje, Men’s Singing Group “Plužine” from Plužine, Men’s and Women’s Singing Group “Vojvoda Vlatko Vuković” from Bileća, and Men’s Singing Group “KUD Nevesinje” from Nevesinje.

The organizers of the event were the traditional group “Ljubinjski Zvuci” and the Folklore Society “Ljubinje,” with the Municipality of Ljubinje as the main sponsor.

Source: See Srpska
