
Status conference

Status conference

At the status conference with the defense attorneys in the case against the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and acting director of the Official Gazette Miloš Lukić, court expert Dr. Haris Vranić admitted to having made negative comments about President Dodik.

Vranić previously examined President Dodik’s medical records under the order of Judge Sena Uzunović.

During today’s testimony, Vranić maintained his position that Dodik is medically fit to attend and follow the trial proceedings.

Judge Sena Uzunović of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina announced at the start of the status conference that the defense’s request to disqualify expert witness Haris Vranić was rejected.

Uzunović stated that the request for disqualification was unfounded, explaining that the Court of BiH requested Vranić to conduct a preliminary medical assessment and a supplementary report following the receipt of Dodik’s discharge letter.

Goran Bubić, the defense attorney for President Dodik, argued that it would be ethical for Vranić to recuse himself as an expert witness due to his hostile attitude toward Dodik, which he expressed on Facebook in 2021.

Bubić questioned Vranić’s credibility based on his prior negative remarks about Dodik.

When asked by Bubić whether he had made negative comments about President Dodik, Vranić admitted that he had done so in 2021 in a Facebook post.

Bubić stated that the defense rejects Vranić’s findings regarding Dodik’s health condition. His testimony was also dismissed by Miljkan Pucar, the attorney representing acting director of the Official Gazette Miloš Lukić.

The status conference is currently on a break, after which testimony will continue with the medical team from the General Hospital “Primarius Dr. Abdulah Nakaš” in Sarajevo. This team previously concluded that Dodik is not medically fit to attend the trial.

“A six-member medical team from the General Hospital ‘Primarius Dr. Abdulah Nakaš’ in Sarajevo determined that President Dodik is not medically capable of traveling between Banja Luka and Sarajevo, attending the trial, or following its proceedings for six weeks after surgery,” defense attorney Goran Bubić stated earlier.

Source: RTRS
