
The Play “Patriarch Pavle”

The Play “Patriarch Pavle”

Organized by the Krajina Cultural Center “Saint Sava” from Banja Luka, the play “Patriarch Pavle – Being a Man Among Men and Inhumans” was performed at the Cultural Center in Gradiška.

The play is based on the text by Jovan Janjić and directed by Milan Rus. The duodrama “Patriarch Pavle – Being a Man Among Men and Inhumans” serves as a reminder of fundamental human values and points of support in the challenging times we live in today.

The backbone of the drama, in which the character of Patriarch Pavle is played by Milan Malbaša, is the spiritual and philosophical messages through which the late Patriarch Pavle advocated for peace in the world and the alleviation of the suffering of people affected by past wars.

The play premiered on October 6, 2022, in Budapest.

It was produced by the Serb Theater in Hungary with the support of the Hungarian government.

So far, it has been performed in several cities in Serbia, Montenegro, and Republika Srpska.

Source: RTRS
