
Nešić: BiH becomes part of collective European security

Nešić: BiH becomes part of collective European security

Bosnia and Herzegovina will, after signing agreements with Europol and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), become part of Europe’s collective security framework, contributing to a safer environment for its citizens, said Nenad Nešić, Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers.

Nešić emphasized that the number of Frontex personnel in BiH will not be substantial due to the country’s border length and will not be decisive since domestic security forces will continue to bear the main responsibility.

“Frontex personnel will operate based on the requirements of our security services and will not have the autonomy to undertake any actions independently of our security forces,” Nešić stated after initialing the agreement with Frontex.

He added that the Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska was actively involved in the agreement, with all its demands respected during the negotiations.

“The Ministry of Interior of Republika Srpska is a crucial actor and cannot be excluded from any process related to the security of citizens and property,” Nešić stressed.

According to him, the agreement with Frontex is expected to be signed by late February or early March next year, depending on procedural finalization in both BiH and the EU.

“We will have Frontex personnel at BiH borders who will assist us and provide recommendations when necessary. Similarly, we will be able to convey BiH’s challenges to the EU directly, without having to rely solely on verbal explanations, as they will observe the situation firsthand,” Nešić explained.

He noted continuous EU pressure on BiH to align its visa policies, which could include introducing visas for Russian and Turkish citizens, highlighting the need for BiH to protect its own interests.

“You are well aware of how much Russia means to Republika Srpska and how much Turkey means to the Federation of BiH. Therefore, I don’t think this process will be easy or straightforward,” Nešić remarked.

He expressed hope that work on aligning the visa regime would continue in the coming months but anticipated that a resolution would not be reached quickly.

Source: RTRS
