
Nosović: Alija Izetbegović evokes memories of the most monstrous crimes against Serbs

Nosović: Alija Izetbegović evokes memories of the most monstrous crimes against Serbs

The president of the Union of Camp Detainees of Republika Srpska, Anđelko Nosović, stated that mentioning Alija Izetbegović’s name brings to mind the most horrific crimes committed against Serbs during the recent war in the region.

  • Izetbegović’s biography shows that he was an extreme chauvinist in his younger days, and he continued this during the war. Izetbegović sought war at any cost in this region because, as his “Islamic Declaration” indicates, he believed that only through war could this area be cleansed of non-Muslims – Nosović told Srna.

Nosović recalls that Alija Izetbegović refused to sign peace agreements, later withdrawing signatures from peace negotiations because he wanted war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to establish an ‘Islamic republic’ in the region.

He also noted that during the war, Izetbegović met with Osama bin Laden and reviewed mujahideen who brought him severed Serb heads in Ozren.

Additionally, he traveled to Iran, where he collected weapons and fighters to aid the so-called Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the war , Nosović added.

According to Nosović, Izetbegović bears personal responsibility for the deaths of members of the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) in the Tuzla Convoy, Dobrovoljačka Street in Sarajevo, and at the Tuzla Gate.

  • Izetbegović had an agreement with the international community during the war, as it is difficult to understand how Alija, in Dobrovoljačka Street, could escort a peacefully retreating JNA convoy alongside UNPROFOR, only for it to be attacked in such a massacre – Nosović pointed out.

He stated that there was a long-standing symbiotic relationship between the international community and Alija Izetbegović, which is why the Hague Tribunal never indicted him and instead waited for him, as well as Franjo Tuđman, to pass away.

  • Alija Izetbegović is directly responsible for Srebrenica, as he promised the international community that 5,000 Muslims would be executed so that the international community and NATO would intervene in the region against the Serbs – Nosović claimed.

He added that for the Serb people, it is painful to mention Alija Izetbegović, as he was a war criminal with blood on his hands up to his elbows.

Numerous Bosniak officials from the Federation of BiH sharply criticized Christian Schmidt, who stated that a common curriculum in education is necessary and that textbooks contain “unacceptable images” of former Army of Republika Srpska Chief of Staff General Ratko Mladić and Muslim wartime leader Alija Izetbegović.

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) later clarified Schmidt’s statement, noting that Alija Izetbegović “was a key figure in achieving peace and the Dayton Agreement, and through his actions, he saved many lives.”

Source: RTRS
