
Košarac: Lies from Bosniak politicians won’t help solve problems

Košarac: Lies from Bosniak politicians won’t help solve problems

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that Bosniak politicians take every opportunity and platform to spread falsehoods about the Serb people and the policies of Republika Srpska, adding that it’s not surprising they rely on fabrications and lies.

  • “We have strengthened our capacities. Republika Srpska is a constructive factor in negotiations on our clearly defined foreign policy goal – EU membership,” Košarac said, commenting on the remarks of Foreign Minister Elmedin Konaković in Berlin, where he accused Republika Srpska and President Milorad Dodik of being “deniers and obstructors” of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU accession process.

Košarac pointed out that no law or act important for the European path could have been adopted without Republika Srpska’s credible and constitutional actions, protecting its constitutional capacity and promoting the coordination mechanism in BiH.

  • “These absurd claims, made everywhere and every time, are just worn-out phrases. I believe even some in Brussels are laughing, knowing Republika Srpska and its institutions align with the official EU goal and understand the real stance,” Košarac said.

Košarac emphasized that the era of falsehoods and lies about Republika Srpska and President Dodik must end if they truly want to achieve anything in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Their empty slogans, lies, and falsehoods won’t lead to any solutions within BiH,” Košarac told reporters in East Sarajevo.

He stressed that repeating lies will never make them true, and that the policies of Republika Srpska and President Dodik remain committed to the fundamental agreement between the two entities and three constituent peoples, the Dayton Agreement, and the European path through coordination mechanisms while preserving the constitutional competencies of all levels of government.

  • “I will not support any centralization, and they can lie and spread falsehoods, it doesn’t matter at which political venues. We are committed to the full implementation of the Dayton Agreement, respect for the coordination mechanism, and agreements without foreign involvement,” Košarac emphasized.

He advised Bosniak politicians to stop their futile efforts and to cease embarrassing themselves internationally by spreading lies, as those they talk to are aware of the constructive policies of Republika Srpska and President Dodik.

Source: RTRS
