
Business incubator for startups opened in Brčko

Business incubator for startups opened in Brčko

A business incubator has been opened in Brčko, designed for newly established startup companies and individuals, providing office space and technical support for launching business activities.

The business incubator project is being implemented by the Development Guarantee Fund of the Brčko District, as part of a cross-border cooperation program between BiH and Serbia.

Ten entrepreneurs from sectors including marketing, web design, cybersecurity, administrative and accounting services, and promoting healthy lifestyles have been given space to start their businesses in the incubator.

“The opportunity I received in Brčko to have my startup supported is significant because I have the possibility of support in administrative and financial matters,” said Edin Livadić, an IT specialist from Brčko.

“We also have the chance to use digital devices, such as recording equipment, which will allow me to launch my online platform, and I have access to a meeting room,” added Armela Јunuzović, a functional trainer from Brčko.

The realization of the “Neseser” project was enabled by the IPA cross-border cooperation program between BiH and Serbia, specifically Brčko and Loznica.

The value of the project is 141,000 euros.

“This is the first project in Brčko implemented in this way. It’s quite substantial, with 70% of the funds coming from donors, while the government’s contribution is 30%,” emphasized Milorad Teodorović, Director of the Development Guarantee Fund of the Brčko District.

The users of the business incubator will, after six months, hand over their space to new young individuals with ideas for launching entrepreneurial ventures but who lack the funds to start their businesses.

Source: RTRS
