
Certain radical structures from FBiH deeply incorporated into BiH institutions

Certain radical structures from FBiH deeply incorporated into BiH institutions

Representatives of Republika Srpska have been warning for decades that certain radical structures from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), which have never abandoned their wartime goals and vision of a unitary Muslim state, are deeply embedded in BiH institutions, said Staša Košarac, Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers, in a statement for Srna.

Košarac emphasized that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is the best protector and pillar in defending Srpska and the interests of the Serb people in BiH. Dodik’s policy adheres to the Dayton concept of BiH, advocating for agreements between the two entities and the three constituent peoples, while promoting peace and stability.

“Whenever Dodik attempted to make progress based on internal agreements, the responses from FBiH were completely different, driven by further radicalization, unitarism, and efforts to centralize BiH institutions, which is completely unacceptable to Srpska,” Košarac stated.

He pointed out that “radical structures within BiH institutions have, in recent years, plotted in the corners of various Western embassies and international institutions based in Sarajevo, targeting President Dodik as the main culprit for the failure to realize their political dreams of a unitary Muslim BiH.”

“Together with their international mentors, they have crafted policies aimed at attacking Dodik and Srpska. They have not hesitated to subject Dodik and his family to public lynching, constantly spreading false accusations, insinuations, and threats, even openly showing hatred.

“They initiated a politically motivated case against Dodik before the Court of BiH and are exerting political repression to remove him from the political scene. Aware of their dirty and dishonorable intentions, we rightly ask whether it is even safe for President Dodik to come to Sarajevo,” Košarac said.

Of course, he added, many in Sarajevo will express discontent, but Sarajevo always needs to be read between the lines because not everything is as it seems.

“We are witnessing that certain internal political actors have often misused the BiH Intelligence and Security Agency (OBA), which at times acted as a party-controlled agency. It wouldn’t be surprising if there are still parallel intelligence structures under the control of radical Bosniak circles and wartime personnel within OBA,” Košarac noted.

He added that this justifies the legitimate demands and initiatives aimed at returning to original Dayton competencies, specifically suggesting that Srpska should form its own intelligence agency.

“The Ministry of Interior of Srpska is strong, organized, stable, and capable of protecting President Dodik and taking all necessary measures to ensure his safety,” Košarac concluded.

Source: Glas Srpske
