
Actions against Republika Srpska – anti-Dayton activities

Actions against Republika Srpska – anti-Dayton activities

Republika Srpska will not yield to American interests but will instead focus on the interests of its own people, despite the pressures and threats from American representatives, stated Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska. He emphasized that those who defend Srpska are being punished with sanctions, with the aim of undermining it.

Officials from Srpska remind that the United States, by imposing sanctions on companies and individuals, is violating basic human rights, which they stress is anti-Dayton behavior.

The misuse of sanctions by American diplomacy is evident in all areas.

Nevertheless, President Milorad Dodik remains resolute, regardless of the threats. He made it clear that he will not back down from defending Srpska, despite the threats of sanctions from U.S. officials like James O’Brien.

“You don’t know when to believe O’Brien—whether when he said a few days ago that he was not aware of what was happening, or when he suddenly now confirms something. He says, without hesitation, that they will deal with all those who do not comply with American interests here, while we supposedly should not adhere to our own interests. That’s where they are wrong. We will not bow to American interests but to the interests of Republika Srpska and its people,” Dodik asserted.

According to him, O’Brien is one of those who helped craft the Dayton Peace Agreement, but his behavior now shows that it was a deception.

“The Dayton Peace Agreement was a deception for the Serbs. We were supposed to be drawn into signing it, and as soon as it was signed, efforts began to undermine and dismantle it. Those who are doing this accuse Milorad Dodik, Željka Cvijanović, and others who defend the Dayton Peace Agreement. We demand nothing more than for the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement to be respected,” Dodik said.

Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, also pointed out that the sanctions imposed by the United States on companies and individuals have violated the basic human rights of citizens. She recognized anti-Dayton activities in the actions against Srpska by American and European officials.

She questioned how someone could be held criminally accountable without due process.

“Here, they have been placed in a situation where their livelihoods are threatened without any court ruling or judgment. Do you want Dayton, or do you not want Dayton? If you don’t want Dayton, then we need to talk about what we do want. It’s impossible to be under constant pressure, and when you seek an explanation for that pressure, you get rather nonsensical phrases,” Cvijanović stated.

She recalled the past when personal documents were confiscated, and individuals were left without employment or access to healthcare.

A similar situation exists today, she noted, as James O’Brien threatens new sanctions.

Although seemingly targeted at individuals, the sanctions are aimed at undermining Srpska.

“The ideology of unitarism in BiH originated in the U.S. embassy, and O’Brien, Murphy, and that generation of diplomats are heading into their diplomatic retirement. I hope that new officials in the State Department will begin to view BiH through the lens of realpolitik,” said Željko Budimir, Minister for Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education in the Government of Srpska.

Officials from Srpska emphasize that many State Department officials have built their careers on BiH by “demonizing the Serbs.” However, despite the pressures, they assert that they will never bow to America’s interests.

Source: RTRS
