
In the process against the President of Republika Srpska, “unpacking” Schmidt begins

In the process against the President of Republika Srpska, “unpacking” Schmidt begins

Goran Petronijević, a member of the legal team of the President of Republika Srpska, announced that the “unpacking” of Christian Schmidt will follow in the Court of BiH and that he hopes the UN Security Council will discuss his status by the end of this year.

Petronijević emphasized that the question of Schmidt’s international legal status has been openly raised and that there is no longer any doubt that he is violating international law, which leads to criminal responsibility since he is doing it knowingly.

  • Such a violation of international law must be addressed at a UN Security Council meeting – Petronijević, who is part of the legal team of the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, who is being tried in Sarajevo for allegedly disrespecting Schmidt’s decisions, told Večernje Novosti.

He stated that at the next and all subsequent hearings in the process against the President of Republika Srpska before the Court of BiH in Sarajevo, evidence will be presented that Schmidt was not elected according to the prescribed procedure and that through the presentation of evidence, it will be explained that Schmidt cannot impose laws, which he persistently does.

According to the procedures, laws are passed by the BiH parliament, and Schmidt has so-called Bonn powers, which allow him to threaten with sanctions and blackmail politicians into passing certain regulations, but he cannot write a law and publish it on his website and expect it to be enforced.

Petronijević said that “unpacking” has become a nightmare for Schmidt, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Court of BiH, and the US Ambassador in Sarajevo Michael Murphy.

He pointed out that the trial of Dodik has led the entire international community to now discuss the illegal actions of the illegal and illegitimate high representative.

He stated that Germany will also address Schmidt due to all his illegitimate actions, as inquiries about his actions are becoming more frequent from Germany, where they also see it as a violation of international law.

He also noted that the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH curl up like a hedgehog whenever Schmidt is mentioned at a hearing.

  • This process is an absolute mistake, and I am convinced that Schmidt and his various satellites, such as the BiH judiciary and the US Embassy, would now most prefer if it had never come to this – Petronijević assessed, adding that the Court of BiH is so eager to protect Schmidt that it keeps “scoring own goals at every hearing.”

He recalled that Judge Sena Uzunović at the last hearing abused a document from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was smuggled into the court unofficially, where this ministry legitimizes Schmidt, thereby taking over the prerogatives of the UN Security Council.

Source: RTRS
