
Vulić: It’s time for “Goodbye, Murphy!”

Vulić: It’s time for “Goodbye, Murphy!”

Sanja Vulić, Chairwoman of the SNSD Parliamentary Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, stated that the latest statements by the U.S. Ambassador in Sarajevo, Michael Murphy, attempting to lecture the Presidents of Srpska and Serbia, Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić, are a classic example of cowboy behavior from a local sheriff who thinks the world begins with him.

“This hypocrite and proven Serb-hater shamelessly and unscrupulously attacks Presidents Dodik and Vučić, claiming they are misleading the public, while he is the only one doing so, convincing us that he supposedly wishes well for the Serb people. Moreover, he wants to force us to believe his lies, while on the other hand, through his extended arm – the opposition from Republika Srpska and Bosniak politicians who eagerly follow his commands, he does everything to dismantle Dayton and create a unitary Muslim state in the heart of Europe,” Vulić told Srna.

She reminded the narcissistic Murphy that Dodik and Vučić, whom he tries to lecture, belong to the ancient Serbian people, while he seems to forget, either intentionally or accidentally, that he comes from a country that has existed for less than 250 years and was formed from British colonies.

“I would also remind him that out of nearly 250 years of its existence, the U.S. has been at war for 230. So, the man is used to war, tension, chaos, and that’s why peace, dialogue, and conversations among locally elected politicians without American interventionism bother him. I respect the U.S. and its citizens, but not the policies advocated by Murphy and his President, Joseph Biden, because they are policies of force, war, and a desire for dominance,” Vulić emphasized.

She pointed out that the outgoing ambassador, in his farewell interview to the Sarajevo audience, mentioned U.S. interests in BiH multiple times and commented on politicians who, unlike him, do not and cannot place those interests above the interests of their people and the entities from which they were elected and appointed.

“I assume that the threats from Zukan Helez about ‘Storms’, expelling Serbs from BiH, and abolishing Republika Srpska are one of the American interests in BiH that Murphy constantly talks about, along with the exploitation of natural resources from which his story about so-called ‘state property’ originates. Supporting my claim is the fact that this esteemed ‘diplomat’ did not find it appropriate to condemn Helez’s insane threats, let alone call them a violation of Dayton, as he often does for Milorad Dodik whenever he appears,” said Vulić.

She noted that the mere appearance of the President of Srpska causes an outburst of Serbophobia and hatred towards anything Serbian in Murphy, immediately giving space to his favorite Sarajevo media to label it as a “violation of Dayton and a threat to the territorial integrity of BiH,” because it’s Milorad Dodik and not the “Storm” of a half-drunk Zukan Helez.

“This cowboy approach of ‘Mr. Diplomat,’ who has brought and will bring nothing good to BiH, means it’s best for him to pack his bags and catch the first flight to the U.S. without a return ticket for the sake of this country,” Vulić emphasized.

“Murphy is synonymous with what I call ‘diplomatic nervousness and bossiness,’ and with him, it is so pronounced that it has long crossed the boundaries of diplomacy and diplomatic behavior. He has a serious problem with self-love, a feeling characteristic of those who idealize themselves and have an unrealistically positive image of themselves. The level of disorder is indicated by the fact that Murphy imagines himself above the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH, as a supreme leader who needs and can arrange not only Republika Srpska but also the lives of its inhabitants, always forgetting the key fact – Serbs are not wild tribes, not a colony of the U.S., nor have they learned to ‘tie the horse where Mr. Murphy says,'” Vulić stressed.

Since he is an outgoing so-called diplomat, Vulić concluded by saying she can only bid him a big “goodbye, Murphy,” as it’s high time he goes back to where he came from.

Source: RTRS
