
US cares only about its own interests

US cares only about its own interests

The US remained silent about Iran’s presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war because the Iranians were working against the Serbs at that time, said Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post. He reminded that the Iranian Embassy in Bosnia during the war had 480 employees, making it the largest embassy in Bosnia.

“All employees at the Embassy during that period were spies. America not only remained silent about this massive Iranian presence but actually agreed with it because the Iranians were working against us Serbs. The Iranians even had a camp here where they trained mujahideen, including those who carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks on the US. It was only then that the Americans started doing something against the Iranian presence here,” said the President of Republika Srpska.

He assessed that the US only cares about its own interests and therefore ignores Iranian influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding that he actually feels sorry for America.

“It is still a superpower that had global support 30 or 40 years ago, with the exception of a few extreme Muslim countries. Then they decided to dismantle Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and create the EU. Mismanagement of the crises created by this policy has led to hostility toward the US worldwide,” said the President of Republika Srpska.

Dodik noted that he personally grew up with many values of American society.

“Freedom, human rights, private initiatives, the rule of law, the NBA. And then America, with these values, came to my region and started imposing unreasonable things on us. It is impossible to impose the American model anywhere in the world. The resolution on Srebrenica would have received much greater support in the UN General Assembly if the US had said 15 years ago that it was crucial for it to be adopted. Today, despite all the efforts of the US and the EU, only 84 countries supported the resolution. America’s power is weakening,” Dodik emphasized.

According to him, US President Joseph Biden built his policy on lies about the Serbs.

“Biden has not apologized for the lies he spread about the number of Muslims killed by Serbs. Which American president apologizes? It doesn’t happen. We Serbs bear the consequences of his lies,” Dodik stressed.

Dodik reminded that he did not participate in the war in Bosnia as a soldier but as an opposition politician and that no one can accuse him of nationalist chauvinism.

“I regret that Yugoslavia broke up, but it happened. I understand that we gave Croats a state where they are the majority, as well as the Slovenes. But why did they create Bosnia and Herzegovina with a Muslim majority? They shouldn’t have forced us to live their way. It doesn’t work here,” Dodik pointed out.

Dodik stated that when he talks about the US, he actually refers to the political elite in that country, noting that he has many good and sincere friends in America, as well as among Muslims.

“Lies about what was happening in Bosnia during the mandate of former US President Bill Clinton served as a starting point for the political careers of several hundred US officials, mostly Democrats. We are quite fed up with the way Americans behave here. If the US wants to regain its position here, its leadership should come and say they will respect the will of the people and that those who provoke war will have problems with Washington. Let them say: ‘If you want to live together, that’s fine. If not – separate peacefully.’ Only then will they regain their greatness. But it seems to me that Americans don’t have enough power to do that and don’t really care about what I say,” Dodik stated.

Source: RTRS
