
Vuković: The world is waking up – many countries no longer allow hegemony

Vuković: The world is waking up – many countries no longer allow hegemony

Professor Drago Vuković from the University of East Sarajevo stated on RTRS morning show that the Srebrenica resolution is an attempt to humiliate the United Nations.

“First, because it was placed on the agenda, as the UN General Assembly is not competent for resolutions of this kind,” said Vuković.

He emphasized that the misuse of the UN is evident.

“The major countries tried to humiliate smaller states. The fact that Germany was the introducer demonstrates the paradoxical situation of international relations,” Vuković stated.

However, he noted that the world is slowly waking up.

“Some countries no longer want to be humiliated. This resolution has failed because 109 countries essentially did not support it. Many countries no longer allow hegemony,” Vuković explained.

Source: RTRS
