
Linta: The Goal of the Resolution is to Demonize Serbia and the Serb People

Linta: The Goal of the Resolution is to Demonize Serbia and the Serb People

Miodrag Linta, President of the Association of Serbs from the Region, supports the determination of President Vučić and the Government of Serbia to fight until the last moment against the adoption of the Resolution on Genocide in Srebrenica at the United Nations by all political means, announced by the Association.

The goal of the Resolution is to demonize Serbia and the Serb people and to call into question the Dayton Agreement and the existence of the Republika Srpska, emphasized Linta.

Furthermore, if adopted, its purpose is to prevent future investigations of crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina that were committed by all sides and especially to obstruct the establishment of the actual truth about the events in Srebrenica, states the announcement.

Linta points out that the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) did not find any document from the government, military, or police of the Republika Srpska that indicated an intention to exterminate Bosniaks as an ethnic group.

“Therefore, no document was found where it was ordered to execute the militarily capable men or captured soldiers of the 28th Division and civilians of Srebrenica. It is clear that the ICTY, in its verdicts, did not prove the key element of the definition of genocide, which is the intent to destroy Bosniaks. If the Serbs truly intended to commit genocide, they would have liquidated the Muslim civilians who were in their hands,” stated Linta.

Source: Glas Srpske
