Germany sent Christian Schmidt with a specific mission—to imprison one million Serbs in the camp called Bosnia and Herzegovina. Instead of tanks, Stukas, and summary courts, his weapon is the Sarajevo-based, Muslim-controlled, unconstitutional Prosecutor’s Office and Court of BiH, stated legal expert Slavko Mitrović.
- He arrived with the support of several Western ambassadors in Sarajevo, led by Clintonite and Biden’s ambassador, Michael Murphy. Political Sarajevo, the Muslim sect, the čaršija and sokaks, eagerly welcomed Schmidt, who in 2021—80 years after the Nazis—entered Sarajevo to complete unfinished business in the Balkans – Mitrović wrote in his column for Glas Srpske.
He assessed that hysteria in Sarajevo, accompanied by fear, is at its peak—as they realize that their illusions of a unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina are quickly fading. According to him, BiH will either remain Dayton-based or cease to exist.
Schmidt’s controversial past
Mitrović reminded that Schmidt is known as an admirer of the Nazi military, originally from Obernzen, a strong Nazi stronghold that produced several SS officers and Gestapo members.
- These must be the qualifications for the High Representative in BiH, whose appointment Russia and China opposed. Germany’s state television ZDF aired a critical report on Schmidt, highlighting his connection to Nazi heritage. The segment included a video of Schmidt laying wreaths for Wehrmacht soldiers, who were part of the SS Mountain Division – Mitrović stated.
BiH will not become a unitary state
He emphasized that BiH has not become a unitary state, despite the plans of Clintonites and certain Western powers.
- The reason for that is Milorad Dodik, SNSD, and his coalition partners, but most importantly, it is the people of Republika Srpska, who continuously and consistently support them in all elections—general, local, and presidential—eleven times in a row since 2006 – Mitrović pointed out.
He argued that the ongoing conflict is one that Muslims, led by Alija Izetbegović, waged against Serbs, then Croats, and even their own compatriots in western Bosnia.
- Exactly as Izetbegović wrote in his “Islamic Declaration”, continuing the path begun during World War II, when Muslims formed the Handžar Division – Mitrović concluded.
Source: RTRS