
Kavazović addressed soldiers about the ‘path of Allah’ and fulfilling the dream of Muslim ancestors

Kavazović addressed soldiers about the ‘path of Allah’ and fulfilling the dream of Muslim ancestors

The leader of the Islamic religious community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Husein Kavazović, in a political address to officials of the Ministry of Defense in the Council of Ministers and members of the Armed Forces (AF), called on them to “glorify Allah” because he “has shown them the right path” and to be grateful for it.

  • “We do not know what we will face in the future, not even in the near future, because events unfold beyond our influence. But whatever we face, I ask you to always be brave, trained, and ready, but also highly moral and humane people. That should be the emblem of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian army, its hallmark,” Kavazović stated.

Kavazović also spoke about the “path of Allah,” saying:

  • “Those who believe, who migrate, and who fight on the path of Allah, they can hope for the mercy of Allah.”

He urged members of the Armed Forces to “guard the borders of their state against external aggressions and to consistently and honorably represent state institutions.”

  • *”You represent one of the key institutions of the state, so work diligently to ensure it is strong, efficient, and fully capable of fulfilling its role. The institution must be vigilant, organized, and engaged in solving the problems of the society to which it belongs, but focused on its primary mission—the one for which it was established.

Therefore, I ask you to make the institution you represent strong and as well-equipped as possible through your work and commitment, and to be as well-trained as possible. In doing so, you will present your country in a positive light, and we will all be proud of it. And if it is attacked, you will successfully defend it,”* said Kavazović.

He stated that “today they must take risks to achieve peace and success tomorrow.”

  • “Nevertheless, we live in the hope that we will fulfill the dream of our ancestors and that our children, like us, will plow their land and live in peace with others, learn from others, and inspire others with their faith, their readiness for sacrifice in defending our values, and their perseverance. Let us always keep in mind these words of God: If you help Allah’s faith, He will help you and strengthen your steps,” Kavazović concluded.

Source: Glas Srpske
