
Prijedor: Exhibition of awarded students from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka

Prijedor: Exhibition of awarded students from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka

The “Sreten Stojanović” Gallery in Prijedor has opened an exhibition showcasing the works of Milica Radojčić and Dušan Mušić, awarded students from the Academy of Arts at the University of Banja Luka.

Boris Eremić, director of the gallery, told reporters last night that the institution is launching its new exhibition season with a student exhibition, marking the continuation of its cooperation with the Academy of Arts.

  • “Every year, we award the best students with a solo exhibition. These are works selected by their professors, while the gallery provides the space. We hope this will be a great encouragement for their future artistic careers,” said Eremić.

Milica Radojčić, a fourth-year student of painting, is presenting her work in an exhibition for the first time.

  • “I have exhibited portraits. I enjoy observing people’s eyes and their behavior during rehabilitation,” said Radojčić.

Dušan Mušić, a graduate in graphic arts, specializes in intaglio printing techniques, with aquatint as his primary medium.

Milan Krajinović, professor of drawing and graphics at the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka, stated that the exhibiting students were awarded for the best exhibition at the end of the previous academic year.

  • “It is difficult to talk about the works themselves since the exhibition is diverse, but what sets these students apart is their dedication, hard work, and artistic vision, which distinguish them from others,” said Krajinović.

The exhibition will remain open until March 7.

Source: RTRS
