Croatian historian Goran Šarić stated that the trial before the Court of BiH is not just a trial against the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik but against the entire Serb nation.
“It is crucial that the Serb people support Dodik because this trial targets the Serb nation. It is also important for Croats, and even Bosniaks, to support Dodik in this process because this is a case of lawlessness. No citizen should act as a colonial governor in BiH. We left those times behind over 100 years ago. Is BiH returning to colonial rule? Today, it’s Dodik; tomorrow, it could be someone else,” Šarić remarked.
He added that this process undermines the spirit and letter of the Dayton Agreement, which brought peace to BiH.
Šarić emphasized that he agrees with Croatian President Zoran Milanović, who stated that this trial is based on an invented criminal offense and represents the arbitrariness of the High Representative, who lacks the mandate to hold such authority.
Source: RTRS