
Some products from Republika Srpska to find a market in China

Some products from Republika Srpska to find a market in China

The cooperation between Istočno Sarajevo and the Chinese city of Cangzhou was the topic of a meeting between Mayor Ljubiša Ćosić and a delegation from China. Initially, a list of products to be exported from Istočno Sarajevo to Cangzhou will be defined.

It is becoming increasingly likely that certain products from Republika Srpska will find a market in China. For this reason, entrepreneurs from various sectors attended the meeting with the Chinese delegation.

“We agreed that in the first part, we will try to define a list of products that will be exported from Istočno Sarajevo and Republika Srpska to Cangzhou. The second part will involve the possible transfer of technology from them to us. There was a serious entrepreneur who produces sports planes and is the first in China to create a prototype of a flying car. However, we did not discuss that at this level; we talked about a potential center for electric vehicles that will be established here in Istočno Sarajevo,” said Ćosić.

Therefore, the city authorities will propose a project for the center to the Ministry of Higher Education, where Chinese electric vehicles will be partially assembled in Istočno Sarajevo. This idea was presented to the Chinese delegation.

Ćosić mentioned that it would be necessary to prepare a space at one of the locations in Istočno Sarajevo to accommodate four or five Chinese car manufacturers, who would initially sell the vehicles along with spare parts.

“We need the technology transfer that exists in China, which is more advanced than our technologies,” said Ćosić.

The Deputy Director of the Cangzhou Office for Foreign Affairs, Pang Guo Bin, stated that based on the signed agreement, the two cities will advance in the fields of medicine and education, and added that representatives from both cities have maintained friendly communication in the previous period.

“I believe that in the near future, the practical cooperation between the two sides will achieve very good results,” Pang emphasized.

The delegation from Istočno Sarajevo will travel to the summit in Cangzhou at the beginning of November, marking a continuation of the existing cooperation and a step toward realizing the agreed projects.

Source: RTRS
