
Dodik: Agreement is the only way to extend BiH’s lifespan

Dodik: Agreement is the only way to extend BiH’s lifespan

President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that the only way to extend Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) lifespan is through agreements made by legally elected domestic representatives, as foreign interventions will not succeed.

“Nothing that has been done by foreigners so far has worked, and nothing that they attempt to impose will last, including the vision of BiH they wish to create,” Dodik emphasized.

He reiterated that only the elected domestic representatives in institutions, acting in accordance with the Constitution and the enacted laws, can decide the future of BiH—not through imposed measures.

When asked by Srna to comment on the European Union’s acknowledgment of Christian Schmidt’s intention to submit reports to the European Court of Human Rights in the “Slaven Kovačević” case, Dodik responded that the Bosniaks’ long-standing advocacy for foreign interventions has not enlightened them. Instead, it has led them to a situation where they are now troubled by Schmidt potentially saying things that don’t serve their interests.

“Our stance has remained consistent from the start—Schmidt has no legitimacy, he is falsely representing himself, and he needs to leave. He is the greatest threat to BiH, and with his illegal actions, supported by the U.S. and Britain, he has triggered a crisis in BiH with unforeseeable consequences,” Dodik explained. He added that the ongoing maneuvering and deceptions only further destabilize BiH, making it unsustainable, especially the vision of a unitary BiH that some are trying to create.

Dodik pointed out that Republika Srpska has strengthened its autonomy and preserved all mechanisms that guarantee its rights.

“The ongoing conflicts and crises in BiH serve our interests, as they indicate that the peaceful dissolution, which we have long advocated for, is already happening. Interestingly, those who claim to support the sustainability of BiH are the ones doing the work for us,” the president remarked.

When asked about the joint statement by Saša Magazinović, head of BiH’s delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and Sabina Ćudić, a delegation member, where they stated that the Council of Europe would support a so-called resolution on Srebrenica following the UN, Dodik expressed surprise at how Bosnian Muslims continue to pursue hidden agendas and policies of deception.

“The fact that these representatives are still secretly pushing for such initiatives, like the resolution, shows their commitment to promoting hatred against Serbs. They have always worked in secret to push their narratives, and their actions are a reflection of the failure of their politics,” Dodik stated. He added that those supporting such efforts, who try to sideline legitimate Serb and Croat voices, are responsible for further destabilizing BiH.

Dodik remarked that these Bosniak-led efforts to push for resolutions, particularly ones built on the Srebrenica narrative, are doomed to fail.

“No matter how hard they try, these resolutions won’t change the reality and truth in BiH. The limits of Bosniak influence are shown by their focus on letter writing, promoting warlike rhetoric, and falsifying history to create an identity built on lies,” Dodik continued.

Dodik concluded by stating that the politics pursued by Bosnian Muslims is destructive, filled with hatred, and has no future.

“By continuously stepping outside of constitutional boundaries and abandoning agreed-upon stances, they have demonstrated to the world that there is no functional BiH today,” the president concluded.

Source: RTRS
