
Kovačević: The silence of the international community on the irresponsible behavior of Bosniak delegates

Kovačević: The silence of the international community on the irresponsible behavior of Bosniak delegates

Radovan Kovačević, a delegate from the Serbian Club in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, stated that the international community remains silent regarding the irresponsible behavior of Bosniak representatives in the House of Peoples, which has led to a deadlock in its work since March. He announced that the Serbian Club delegates would attend the continuation of the session scheduled for October 8.

Kovačević expressed confidence that Croatian Club delegates would also attend.

“We aim to continue working and fulfilling all obligations to the citizens and nations we represent. I am not sure if Bosniak representatives will do the same,” Kovačević said.

He pointed out that if the deadlock were caused by Serbian or Croatian representatives, the entire international community would have reacted.

“Now there is complete silence. It is an unbelievable situation where one of the houses of parliament has been non-functional for almost a year, and no one sees it as a problem. Instead, the focus is shifted to Republika Srpska, which is fully functional and stable, with its representatives doing their jobs responsibly,” Kovačević emphasized.

He reminded that the House of Peoples has been blocked since March due to the irresponsible behavior of Bosniak representatives in the house.

“The Parliamentary Assembly is completely blocked, as it is clear that decisions made by the House of Representatives without the House of Peoples hold no value,” Kovačević said in an interview with N1.

Coordination mechanism guarantees equality

Kovačević stressed that the coordination mechanism is one of the key elements in BiH that guarantees the equality of the two entities and the three constituent peoples. He also noted that relations with HDZ representatives have always been based on mutual respect and understanding.

He stated that these relations remain good and that there are no issues.

“We still believe that the coordination mechanism is one of the most crucial elements that has been agreed upon in BiH since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement,” Kovačević said.

He explained that there is no formal coalition at the BiH level, but rather partners who have legitimacy within the two entities and the three equal peoples.

Kovačević clarified that a coalition exists when a specific agreement is signed, based on which joint efforts are made.

“We formed the Council of Ministers to fulfill everything we promised in the interest of our citizens,” Kovačević added.

He further mentioned that agreements are in place regarding areas where common ground exists.

Dodik will continue expressing national and state unity until the end of his mandate

Kovačević stated that President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik was elected by the citizens, and in accordance with the Constitution, he expresses the national and state unity of Srpska. He is confident that Dodik will continue to do so until the end of his mandate as a completely free man.

He pointed out that a political process is being conducted against Dodik, who was elected in free democratic elections, not because he violated any laws of BiH adopted in accordance with its Constitution, but because he respects the Constitution of Republika Srpska and the Constitution of BiH.

“We will repeat this many times because it should never become tiresome to repeat facts, especially when we are constantly bombarded with lies, such as the claim that there is a legitimate High Representative in BiH, which is untrue and not in line with the Dayton Agreement and Annex 10,” Kovačević said.

He noted that despite there being no possibility for a High Representative, even if legally appointed, to change, impose, or interfere with laws in BiH, most of the public in the Federation of BiH accepts this situation as normal, which it is not and never will be.

Kovačević also referenced statements by members of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH Predrag Kojović and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, who have admitted that they, along with international partners, were responsible for initiating the political, rather than judicial, process against Dodik.

Responding to questions about whether there will be a conclusion soon in the process led by the Court of BiH against the President of Republika Srpska and the director of the Official Gazette of Srpska, Miloš Lukić, Kovačević said that this is a question better suited for the representatives of the “Trojka.”

“They themselves have said they are deeply involved in this political persecution and even announced when such actions would take place,” Kovačević noted.

He emphasized that Dodik, elected by the citizens of Republika Srpska, acts in accordance with the Constitution by expressing the national and state unity of Srpska as stipulated.

“He will undoubtedly continue to do so until the end of his mandate as a completely free man and a leader with the full support of his people, which will be reaffirmed in the upcoming elections on Sunday. Afterward, we will see if he runs for president again or for another position,” Kovačević concluded.

He reminded that the President of Republika Srpska is elected by the people, regardless of their national, religious, or other affiliations, and only they can remove or withdraw their trust from him.

“The citizens elect the President of the Republic, who, in accordance with their will, performs his duties and fulfills his constitutional obligations, just as he did before the shameful decision was made to initiate this political process and persecution against him,” Kovačević said.

He added that there has never been a case in the world where a process was initiated against any president for respecting the Constitution and rejecting the will of a foreign actor who has nothing to do with the country or its people.

“The will of this foreigner was that he should not respect his own people, the Constitution of his state, or its laws,” Kovačević concluded.

Source: RTRS
