
“OBA under control of Bosniaks”

“OBA under control of Bosniaks”

The Party of Democratic Action (SDA), upon coming to power, placed the Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH (OBA) under its control and worked against domestic officials and neighboring countries, stated former Minister of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, Dragan Lukač, highlighting the significant disadvantage caused by Republika Srpska losing its intelligence agency.

“When I was leading the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we did not receive anything particularly important or significant from the intelligence agency at the state level, specifically OBA, not even regarding the Wahhabi movement, although all terrorist acts in BiH came from that movement,” Lukač pointed out.

He emphasized that all security threats originated from the Wahhabi movement, which, according to the Ministry’s records, has thousands of members, and that such radicalism does not align with the desires of Bosniaks who want to live peaceful and normal lives.

Lukač recalled that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska had previously established a Directorate for Counter-Terrorism.

“We are talking about members of the Wahhabi movement, those radical elements responsible for past terrorist acts, which we can also expect in the future. If there is any terrorist act again in BiH, it will surely be linked to that movement,” Lukač warned.

He noted that members of the Wahhabi movement from BiH were involved in terrorist activities worldwide, but numerous cases of killing innocent people were prevented thanks to the experience of the Republika Srpska police.

“Based on our information, some terrorist acts were prevented in Europe, where we provided data on Wahhabi members connected to BiH. One such case was a few years ago in Austria, where people from this movement were arrested. They were preparing a terrorist attack,” Lukač highlighted.

Unlike the Federation of BiH, Lukač stressed that there were and are no places in Republika Srpska where police cannot enter. The Ministry of Internal Affairs fully controls the territory of Republika Srpska and ensures the safety of its citizens.

“We know that such places existed in the Federation. For a long time, there was talk about Maoča and other areas that were safe havens for the Wahhabi movement, where police simply could not enter. If they did enter, they had to come with a large number of people, vehicles, and even armored vehicles,” Lukač reminded.

Source: RTRS
